Use GLiNER for NER annotation

The GLiNER model is a BERT family model for generalist NER. We download the model from HuggingFace, but the original
model is available on GitHub.

  1. Start Machine Learning backend on http://localhost:9090 with prebuilt image:
docker-compose up
  1. Validate that backend is running
$ curl http://localhost:9090/
  1. Create a project in Label Studio. Then from the Model page in the project settings, connect the model. The default URL is http://localhost:9090.

Building from source (advanced)

To build the ML backend from source, you have to clone the repository and build the Docker image:

docker-compose build

Running without Docker (advanced)

To run the ML backend without Docker, you have to clone the repository and install all dependencies using pip:

python -m venv ml-backend
source ml-backend/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can start the ML backend:

label-studio-ml start ./dir_with_your_model


Parameters can be set in docker-compose.yml before running the container.

The following common parameters are available:

  • BASIC_AUTH_USER - Specify the basic auth user for the model server.
  • BASIC_AUTH_PASS - Specify the basic auth password for the model server.
  • LOG_LEVEL - Set the log level for the model server.
  • WORKERS - Specify the number of workers for the model server.
  • THREADS - Specify the number of threads for the model server.
  • LABEL_STUDIO_URL - Specify the URL of your Label Studio instance. Note that this might need to be http://host.docker.internal:8080 if you are running Label Studio on another Docker container.
  • LABEL_STUDIO_API_KEY- Specify the API key for authenticating your Label Studio instance. You can find this by logging into Label Studio and and going to the Account & Settings page.