Project module for Label Studio SDK
This section contains project operations that you can perform with the SDK. See the client, data manager or utils modules for other operations you might want to perform.
source code Browse git
""" .. include::../docs/
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import time
from enum import Enum, auto
from pathlib import Path
from random import sample, shuffle
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict, Callable
from label_studio_tools.core.label_config import parse_config
from import get_local_path
from requests import Response
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema
from .client import Client
from .utils import parse_config, chunk
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LabelStudioException(Exception):
class LabelStudioAttributeError(LabelStudioException):
class ProjectSampling(Enum):
"""Enumerate the available task sampling modes for labeling."""
RANDOM = "Uniform sampling"
""" Uniform random sampling of tasks """
SEQUENCE = "Sequential sampling"
""" Sequential sampling of tasks using task IDs """
UNCERTAINTY = "Uncertainty sampling"
""" Sample tasks based on prediction scores, such as for active learning (Enterprise only)"""
class ProjectStorage(Enum):
"""Enumerate the available types of external source and target storage for labeling projects."""
GOOGLE = "gcs"
""" Google Cloud Storage """
S3 = "s3"
""" Amazon S3 Storage """
AZURE = "azure_blob"
""" Microsoft Azure Blob Storage """
LOCAL = "localfiles"
""" Label Studio Local File Storage """
REDIS = "redis"
""" Redis Storage """
S3_SECURED = "s3s"
""" Amazon S3 Storage secured by IAM roles (Enterprise only) """
class AssignmentSamplingMethod(Enum):
RANDOM = auto() # produces uniform splits across annotators
class ExportSnapshotStatus:
CREATED = "created"
""" Export snapshot is created """
IN_PROGRESS = "in_progress"
""" Export snapshot is in progress """
FAILED = "failed"
""" Export snapshot failed with errors """
COMPLETED = "completed"
""" Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded """
def __init__(self, response):
self.response = response
def is_created(self):
"""Export snapshot is created"""
assert (
"status" in self.response
), '"status" field not found in export snapshot status response'
return self.response["status"] == self.CREATED
def is_in_progress(self):
"""Export snapshot is in progress"""
assert (
"status" in self.response
), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response'
return self.response["status"] == self.IN_PROGRESS
def is_failed(self):
"""Export snapshot failed with errors"""
assert (
"status" in self.response
), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response'
return self.response["status"] == self.FAILED
def is_completed(self):
"""Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded"""
assert (
"status" in self.response
), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response'
return self.response["status"] == self.COMPLETED
class Project(Client):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize project class.
super(Project, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.params = {}
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self._get_param(item)
def parsed_label_config(self):
"""Get the parsed labeling configuration for the project. You can use this to more easily construct
annotation or prediction results based on your labeling configuration.
Object and control tags from the project labeling configuration.
Example with structured configuration of the form:
"<ControlTag>.name": {
"type": "ControlTag",
"to_name": ["<ObjectTag1>.name", "<ObjectTag2>.name"],
"inputs: [
{"type": "ObjectTag1", "value": "<ObjectTag1>.value"},
{"type": "ObjectTag2", "value": "<ObjectTag2>.value"}
"labels": ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]
`"labels"` are taken from "alias" attribute if it exists, else "value"
return parse_config(self.label_config)
def get_members(self):
"""Get members from this project.
list of `label_studio_sdk.users.User`
from .users import User
assert self.is_enterprise, (
"Project members are available in the Enterprise edition of Label Studio only. "
"Use get_users() instead."
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/members")
users = []
for user_data in response.json():
user_data["client"] = self
return users
def add_member(self, user):
"""Add a user to a project.
user: User
Dict with created member
payload = {"user":}
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/projects/{}/members", json=payload
return response.json()
def assign_annotators(self, users, tasks_ids):
"""Assign annotators to tasks
users: list of user's objects
tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign users to
Dict with counter of created assignments
final_response = {"assignments": 0}
users_ids = [ for user in users]
# Assign tasks to users with batches
for c in chunk(tasks_ids, 1000):
logger.debug(f"Starting assignment for: {users_ids}")
payload = {
"users": users_ids,
"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": c},
"type": "AN",
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload
final_response["assignments"] += response.json()["assignments"]
return final_response
def delete_annotators_assignment(self, tasks_ids):
"""Remove all assigned annotators for tasks
tasks_ids: list of int
Dict with counter of deleted annotator assignments
payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}}
response = self.make_request(
return response.json()
def delete_reviewers_assignment(self, tasks_ids):
"""Clear all assigned reviewers for tasks
tasks_ids: list of int
Dict with counter of deleted reviewer assignments
payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}}
response = self.make_request(
return response.json()
def assign_reviewers(self, users, tasks_ids):
"""Assign reviewers to tasks
users: list of user's objects
tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign reviewers to
Dict with counter of created assignments
payload = {
"users": [ for user in users],
"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids},
"type": "RE",
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload
return response.json()
def _get_param(self, param_name):
if param_name not in self.params:
if param_name not in self.params:
raise LabelStudioAttributeError(
f'Project "{param_name}" field is not set'
return self.params[param_name]
def get_params(self):
"""Get all available project parameters.
containing all following params:
title: str
Project name.
description: str
Project description
label_config: str
Label config in XML format.
expert_instruction: str
Labeling instructions in HTML format
show_instruction: bool
Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start
show_skip_button: bool
Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task
enable_empty_annotation: bool
Allow annotators to submit empty annotations
show_annotation_history: bool
Show annotation history to annotator
organization: int
Organization ID
color: str
Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI
maximum_annotations: int
Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater
to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only)
is_published: bool
Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only)
model_version: str
Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations
is_draft: bool
Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only)
created_by: object
Details about the user that created the project
min_annotations_to_start_training: int
Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started
show_collab_predictions: bool
Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model
sampling: str
Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only.
Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling"
show_ground_truth_first: bool
Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only)
show_overlap_first: bool
Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only)
overlap_cohort_percentage: int
Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only)
task_data_login: str
User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
task_data_password: str
Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
control_weights: object
Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only)
evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool
Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}")
return response.json()
def get_model_versions(self):
"""Get the list of available ML model versions from pre-annotations or connected ML backends.
list of strings
Model versions
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/model-versions")
return response.json()
def update_params(self):
"""Get [all available project parameters](#label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_params) and cache them."""
self.params = self.get_params()
def start_project(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a new labeling project in Label Studio.
title: str
Project name.
description: str
Project description
label_config: str
Label config in XML format.
expert_instruction: str
Labeling instructions in HTML format
show_instruction: bool
Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start
show_skip_button: bool
Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task
enable_empty_annotation: bool
Allow annotators to submit empty annotations
show_annotation_history: bool
Show annotation history to annotator
organization: int
Organization ID
color: str
Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI
maximum_annotations: int
Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater
to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only)
is_published: bool
Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only)
model_version: str
Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations
is_draft: bool
Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only)
created_by: object
Details about the user that created the project
min_annotations_to_start_training: int
Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started
show_collab_predictions: bool
Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model
sampling: str
Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only.
Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling"
show_ground_truth_first: bool
Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only)
show_overlap_first: bool
Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only)
overlap_cohort_percentage: int
Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only)
task_data_login: str
User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
task_data_password: str
Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
control_weights: object
Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only)
evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool
Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task
Raises LabelStudioException in case of errors.
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/projects", json=kwargs)
if response.status_code == 201:
self.params = response.json()
raise LabelStudioException("Project not created")
def _create_from_id(cls, client, project_id, params=None):
project = cls(
if params and isinstance(params, dict):
# TODO: validate project parameters
project.params = params
project.params["id"] = project_id
return project
def get_from_id(cls, client, project_id) -> "Project":
"""Class factory to create a project instance from an existing project ID.
client: class Client
project_id: int
Project ID
project = cls._create_from_id(client, project_id)
return project
def import_tasks(self, tasks, preannotated_from_fields: List = None):
"""Import JSON-formatted labeling tasks. Tasks can be unlabeled or contain predictions.
tasks: list of dicts | dict | path to file
Tasks in <a href="">
Label Studio JSON format</a>
preannotated_from_fields: list of strings
Turns flat task JSON formatted like: `{"column1": value, "column2": value}` into Label Studio prediction
data format: `{"data": {"column1"..}, "predictions": [{..."column2"}]`
Useful when all your data is stored in tabular format with one column dedicated to model predictions.
list of int
Imported task IDs
params = {"return_task_ids": "1"}
if preannotated_from_fields:
params["preannotated_from_fields"] = ",".join(preannotated_from_fields)
if isinstance(tasks, (list, dict)):
response = self.make_request(
timeout=(10, 600),
elif isinstance(tasks, (str, Path)):
# try import from file
if not os.path.isfile(tasks):
raise LabelStudioException(f"Not found import tasks file {tasks}")
with open(tasks, mode="rb") as f:
response = self.make_request(
files={"file": f},
timeout=(10, 600),
raise TypeError(
f'Not supported type provided as "tasks" argument: {type(tasks)}'
response = response.json()
if "import" in response:
# check import status
timeout = 300
fibonacci_backoff = [1, 1]
start_time = time.time()
while True:
import_status = self.make_request(
if import_status["status"] == "completed":
return import_status["task_ids"]
if import_status["status"] == "failed":
raise LabelStudioException(import_status["error"])
if time.time() - start_time >= timeout:
raise LabelStudioException("Import timeout")
fibonacci_backoff = [
fibonacci_backoff[0] + fibonacci_backoff[1],
return response["task_ids"]
def export_tasks(
export_type: str = "JSON",
download_all_tasks: bool = False,
download_resources: bool = False,
ids: Optional[List[int]] = None,
export_location: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[list, pathlib.Path]:
"""Export annotated tasks.
export_type: string
Default export_type is JSON.
Specify another format type as referenced in <a href="">
the Label Studio converter code</a>.
download_all_tasks: bool
Default download_all_tasks is False.
If true, download all tasks regardless of status. If false, download only annotated tasks.
download_resources: bool
Default download_resources is False.
If true, download all resource files such as images, audio, and others relevant to the tasks.
ids: list of ints
Optional, specify a list of task IDs to retrieve only the details for those tasks.
export_location: str or path
Optional, specify a location to save the export to, this is mandatory for the YOLO export.
A pathlib.Path object will be returned instead of the deserialized json.
list of dicts if export_location is None
Tasks with annotations
pathlib.Path if export_location is not None
Path to the export
params = {
"exportType": export_type,
"download_all_tasks": download_all_tasks,
"download_resources": download_resources,
if ids:
params["ids"] = ids
response = self.make_request(
method="GET", url=f"/api/projects/{}/export", params=params
if export_location is None:
if "JSON" not in export_type.upper():
raise ValueError(
f"{export_type} export type requires an export location to be specified"
return response.json()
export_path = pathlib.Path(export_location)
# ensure that parent location exists even if it is in some subdirectory
export_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(export_path, "wb") as out_file:
for chunk in response.iter_content(
): # 1 kib seems reasonable
return export_path
def set_params(self, **kwargs):
"""Low level function to set project parameters."""
response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/projects/{}", json=kwargs)
assert response.status_code == 200
def set_sampling(self, sampling: ProjectSampling):
"""Set the project sampling method for the labeling stream."""
def set_published(self, is_published: bool):
"""Set the project publication state. (Enterprise only)
is_published: bool
Project publication state for reviewers and annotators
def set_model_version(self, model_version: str):
"""Set the current model version to use for displaying predictions to annotators, perform uncertainty sampling
and annotation evaluations in Label Studio Enterprise, and other operations.
model_version: string
It can be any string you want
def get_tasks(
only_ids: bool = False,
"""Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a
predefined view ID.
filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()
JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()`
helper to create it.
"conjunction": "and",
"items": [
"filter": "filter:tasks:id",
"operator": "equal",
"type": "Number",
"value": 1
ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column
List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering.
Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class.
```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order
view_id: int
View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items
selected_ids: list of ints
Task IDs
only_ids: bool
If true, return only task IDs
Task list with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager
page = 1
result = []
data = {}
while not data.get("end_pagination"):
data = self.get_paginated_tasks(
result += data["tasks"]
page += 1
except LabelStudioException as e:
logger.debug(f"Error during pagination: {e}")
return result
def get_paginated_tasks(
page: int = 1,
page_size: int = 100,
only_ids: bool = False,
resolve_uri: bool = True,
"""Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a
predefined view ID. For non-existent pages it returns 404 error.
filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()
JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()`
helper to create it.
"conjunction": "and",
"items": [
"filter": "filter:tasks:id",
"operator": "equal",
"type": "Number",
"value": 1
ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column
List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering.
Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class.
```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order
view_id: int
View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items
selected_ids: list of ints
Task IDs
page: int
Page. Default is 1.
page_size: int
Page size. Default is 100, to retrieve all tasks in the project you can use get_tasks().
only_ids: bool
If true, return only task IDs
resolve_uri: bool
Resolve pre-sign urls to https links
"tasks": [{...}],
"total_annotations": 50,
"total_predictions": 100,
"total": 100
tasks: list of dicts
Tasks with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager
total: int
Total number of tasks in filtered result
total_annotations: int
Total number of annotations in filtered tasks
total_predictions: int
Total number of predictions in filtered tasks
query = {
"filters": filters,
"ordering": ordering or [],
"selectedItems": (
{"all": False, "included": selected_ids}
if selected_ids
else {"all": True, "excluded": []}
params = {
"page": page,
"page_size": page_size,
"view": view_id,
"query": json.dumps(query),
"fields": "all",
"resolve_uri": resolve_uri,
if only_ids:
params["include"] = "id"
response = self.make_request(
"GET", "/api/tasks", params, raise_exceptions=False
# we'll get 404 from API on empty page
if response.status_code == 404:
return {"tasks": [], "end_pagination": True}
elif response.status_code != 200:
except HTTPError as e:
raise LabelStudioException(f"Error loading tasks: {e}")
data = response.json()
tasks = data["tasks"]
if only_ids:
data["tasks"] = [task["id"] for task in tasks]
return data
def get_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_tasks()` but returns only task IDs."""
kwargs["only_ids"] = True
return self.get_tasks(*args, **kwargs)
def get_paginated_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_paginated_tasks()` but returns
only task IDs.
kwargs["only_ids"] = True
return self.get_paginated_tasks(*args, **kwargs)
def get_views(self):
"""Get all views related to the project
List of view dicts
The each dict contains the following fields:
id: int
View ID
project: int
Project ID
user: int
User ID who created this tab
data: dict
Filters, orderings and other visual settings
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/dm/views?project={}")
return response.json()
def create_view(self, filters, ordering=None, title="Tasks"):
"""Create view
filters: dict
Specify the filters(`label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters`) of the view
ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column
List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering.
Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class.
```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order
title: str
Tab name
dict with created view
data = {
"data": {"title": title, "ordering": ordering, "filters": filters},
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/dm/views", json=data)
return response.json()
def delete_view(self, view_id):
"""Delete view
view_id: int
View ID
dict with deleted view
response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/dm/views/{view_id}")
def tasks(self):
"""Retrieve all tasks from the project. This call can be very slow if the project has a lot of tasks."""
return self.get_tasks()
def tasks_ids(self):
"""IDs for all tasks for a project. This call can be very slow if the project has lots of tasks."""
return self.get_tasks_ids()
def get_labeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False):
"""Retrieve all tasks that have been completed, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created
only_ids: bool
Return only task IDs.
List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`.
return self.get_tasks(
"conjunction": "and",
"items": [
"filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at",
"operator": "empty",
"value": False,
"type": "Datetime",
def get_labeled_tasks_ids(self):
"""Retrieve all task IDs for completed tasks, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created
List of task IDs
return self.get_labeled_tasks(only_ids=True)
def get_unlabeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False):
"""Retrieve all tasks that are <b>not</b> completed.
If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the
project labeling settings.
only_ids: bool
Return only task IDs
List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`.
return self.get_tasks(
"conjunction": "and",
"items": [
"filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at",
"operator": "empty",
"value": True,
"type": "Datetime",
def get_unlabeled_tasks_ids(self):
"""Retrieve all task IDs for tasks that are <b>not</b> completed. If using
Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full
number of times defined in the project labeling settings.
List of task IDs
return self.get_unlabeled_tasks(only_ids=True)
def get_task(self, task_id):
"""Get specific task by ID.
task_id: int
Task ID you want to retrieve
dict of task data containing all initial data and annotation results in [Label Studio JSON format](
id: int
Task ID
predictions: dict
Predictions object
annotations: dict
Annotations object
drafts: dict
Drafts object
data: object
User imported or uploaded data for a task. Data is formatted according to the project label config.
meta: object
Meta is user imported (uploaded) data and can be useful as input for an ML Backend for embeddings, advanced vectors, and other info. It is passed to ML during training/predicting steps.
created_at: str
Date time string representing the time a task was created.
updated_at: str
Date time string representing the last time a task was updated.
is_labeled: bool
True if the number of annotations for this task is greater than or equal to the number of maximum_completions for the project.
overlap: int
Number of distinct annotators that processed the current task.
project: int
Project ID for this task
file_upload: str
Uploaded file used as data source for this task
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}")
return response.json()
def update_task(self, task_id, **kwargs):
"""Update specific task by ID.
task_id: int
Task ID you want to update
kwargs: kwargs parameters
List of parameters to update. Check all available parameters [here](
Dict with updated task
response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}", json=kwargs)
return response.json()
def create_prediction(
task_id: int,
result: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict, str]] = None,
score: Optional[float] = 0,
model_version: Optional[str] = None,
"""Create a prediction for a specific task.
task_id: int
Task ID
result: list or dict or str
Result in the <a href="">
Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>.
For the labeling config:
<Image name="image" value="$value"/>
<Choices name="class_name" toName="image">
<Choice value="Class A"/>
<Choice value="Class B"/>
The following inputs are equivalent, result could be either full `"predictions"`:
"from_name": "class_name",
"to_name": "image",
"type": "choices",
"value": {
"choices": ["Class A"]
or just `"value"` payload
{"choices": ["Class A"]}
or just the class name:
"Class A"
score: float
Model prediction score
model_version: str
Any string identifying your model
data = {"task": task_id, "result": result, "score": score}
if model_version is not None:
data["model_version"] = model_version
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/predictions", json=data)
json = response.json()
logger.debug(f"Response: {json}")
return json
def create_predictions(self, predictions):
"""Bulk create predictions for tasks. See <a href="">more
details about pre-annotated tasks</a>.
predictions: list of dicts
List of dicts with predictions in the <a href="">
Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>.
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/projects/{}/import/predictions", json=predictions
return response.json()
def create_annotations_from_predictions(self, model_versions=None):
"""Create annotations from all predictions that exist for project tasks from specific ML model versions.
model_versions: list or None
Convert predictions with these model versions to annotations. If `None`, all existing model versions are used
Dict with counter of created predictions
payload = {
"filters": {"conjunction": "and", "items": []},
"model_version": model_versions,
"ordering": [],
"selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": []},
response = self.make_request(
params={"id": "predictions_to_annotations", "project":},
return response.json()
def list_annotations(self, task_id: int) -> List:
"""List all annotations for a task.
task_id: int
Task ID
list of dict:
List of annotations objects
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations")
return response.json()
def create_annotation(self, task_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict:
"""Add annotations to a task like an annotator does.
task_id: int
Task ID you want to update
kwargs: kwargs parameters
List of parameters to create. Check all available parameters [here](
Labeling is stored in the `result` field as a list of dicionaries, [{...}, {...}, ...]
Dict with created annotation
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations/", json=kwargs
return response.json()
def get_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> dict:
"""Retrieve a specific annotation for a task using the annotation ID.
annotation_id: int
A unique integer value identifying this annotation.
Retreived annotation object
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}")
return response.json()
def update_annotation(self, annotation_id, **kwargs):
"""Update specific annotation with new annotation parameters, e.g.
project.update_annotation(annotation_id=123, ground_truth=True)
annotation_id: int
Existing annotation ID from current project. Could be retrieved from `project.get_tasks()` response
kwargs: kwargs parameters
List of annotation parameters. Check all available parameters [here](
Dict with updated annotation
response = self.make_request(
"PATCH", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}", json=kwargs
return response.json()
def delete_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> int:
"""Delete an annotation using the annotation ID. This action can't be undone!
annotation_id: int
A unique integer value identifying this annotation.
Status code for operation
response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}")
return response.status_code
def get_predictions_coverage(self):
"""Prediction coverage stats for all model versions for the project.
"2021-01-01": 0.9,
"2021-02-01": 0.7
`0.9` means that 90% of project tasks is covered by predictions with model_version `"2021-01-01"`
model_versions = self.get_model_versions()
params = self.get_params()
tasks_number = params["task_number"]
coverage = {
model_version: count / tasks_number
for model_version, count in model_versions.items()
return coverage
def get_predictions_conflict(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_predictions_precision(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def connect_google_import_storage(
bucket: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
regex_filter: Optional[str] = None,
use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True,
google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None,
presign: Optional[bool] = True,
presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
"""Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
bucket: string
Specify the name of the GCS bucket
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket with your data
regex_filter: string
Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data
use_blob_urls: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
google_application_credentials: string
Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication](
presign: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
presign_ttl: int
Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
if google_application_credentials and os.path.isfile(
with open(google_application_credentials) as f:
google_application_credentials =
payload = {
"bucket": bucket,
"prefix": prefix,
"regex_filter": regex_filter,
"use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls,
"google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials,
"presign": presign,
"presign_ttl": presign_ttl,
"title": title,
"description": description,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/gcs", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_google_export_storage(
bucket: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
can_delete_objects: bool = False,
"""Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
bucket: string
Specify the name of the GCS bucket
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket to export your data to
google_application_credentials: string
Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication](
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your GCS export storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your GCS export storage.
can_delete_objects: bool
False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the GCS bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
if os.path.isfile(google_application_credentials):
with open(google_application_credentials) as f:
google_application_credentials =
payload = {
"bucket": bucket,
"prefix": prefix,
"google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/gcs", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_s3_import_storage(
bucket: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
regex_filter: Optional[str] = None,
use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True,
presign: Optional[bool] = True,
presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None,
aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
region_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False,
"""Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
bucket: string
Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from.
regex_filter: string
Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
use_blob_urls: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
presign: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
presign_ttl: int
Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage.
aws_access_key_id: string
Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket.
aws_secret_access_key: string
Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket.
aws_session_token: string
Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket.
region_name: string
Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
s3_endpoint: string
Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
recursive_scan: bool
Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
payload = {
"bucket": bucket,
"prefix": prefix,
"regex_filter": regex_filter,
"use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls,
"aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id,
"aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key,
"aws_session_token": aws_session_token,
"region_name": region_name,
"s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint,
"presign": presign,
"presign_ttl": presign_ttl,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"recursive_scan": recursive_scan,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_s3s_iam_import_storage(
role_arn: str,
external_id: Optional[str] = None,
bucket: Optional[str] = None,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
regex_filter: Optional[str] = None,
use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True,
presign: Optional[bool] = True,
presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
region_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False,
aws_sse_kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
"""Create S3 secured import storage with IAM role access. Enterprise only.
role_arn: string
Required, specify the AWS Role ARN to assume.
external_id: string or None
Optional, specify the external ID to use to assume the role. If None, SDK will call api/organizations/<id>
and use external_id from the response. You can find this ID on the organization page in the Label Studio UI.
bucket: string
Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from.
regex_filter: string
Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
use_blob_urls: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
presign: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
presign_ttl: int
Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage.
region_name: string
Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
s3_endpoint: string
Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
recursive_scan: bool
Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content.
aws_sse_kms_key_id: string
Optional, specify an AWS SSE KMS Key ID for server-side encryption.
synchronizable, last_sync, last_sync_count, last_sync_job, status, traceback, meta:
Parameters for synchronization details and storage status.
containing the response from the API including storage ID and type, among other details.
if external_id is None:
organization = self.get_organization()
external_id = organization["external_id"]
payload = {
"bucket": bucket,
"prefix": prefix,
"regex_filter": regex_filter,
"use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls,
"presign": presign,
"presign_ttl": presign_ttl,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"recursive_scan": recursive_scan,
"role_arn": role_arn,
"region_name": region_name,
"s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint,
"aws_sse_kms_key_id": aws_sse_kms_key_id,
"external_id": external_id,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3s/", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_s3_export_storage(
bucket: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None,
aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None,
region_name: Optional[str] = None,
s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
can_delete_objects: bool = False,
"""Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
bucket: string
Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the S3 bucket to export your data to.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your S3 export storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your S3 export storage.
aws_access_key_id: string
Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket.
aws_secret_access_key: string
Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket.
aws_session_token: string
Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket.
region_name: string
Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
s3_endpoint: string
Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
can_delete_objects: bool
False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the S3 bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
payload = {
"bucket": bucket,
"prefix": prefix,
"aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id,
"aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key,
"aws_session_token": aws_session_token,
"region_name": region_name,
"s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/s3", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_azure_import_storage(
container: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
regex_filter: Optional[str] = None,
use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True,
presign: Optional[bool] = True,
presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
account_name: Optional[str] = None,
account_key: Optional[str] = None,
"""Connect a Microsoft Azure BLOB storage container to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
container: string
Specify the name of the Azure container.
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container with your data.
regex_filter: string
Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
use_blob_urls: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
presign: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
presign_ttl: int
Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your Azure import storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your Azure import storage.
account_name: string
Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container.
account_key: string
Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
payload = {
"container": container,
"prefix": prefix,
"regex_filter": regex_filter,
"use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls,
"account_name": account_name,
"account_key": account_key,
"presign": presign,
"presign_ttl": presign_ttl,
"title": title,
"description": description,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/azure", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_azure_export_storage(
container: str,
prefix: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
account_name: Optional[str] = None,
account_key: Optional[str] = None,
can_delete_objects: bool = False,
"""Connect Microsoft Azure BLOB storage to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
container: string
Specify the name of the Azure storage container.
prefix: string
Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container to export your data to.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your Azure export storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your Azure export storage.
can_delete_objects: bool
False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the Azure container if they are deleted in Label Studio.
account_name: string
Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container.
account_key: string
Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
payload = {
"container": container,
"prefix": prefix,
"account_name": account_name,
"account_key": account_key,
"title": title,
"description": description,
"can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects,
response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/azure", json=payload)
return response.json()
def connect_local_import_storage(
local_store_path: [str],
regex_filter: Optional[str] = None,
use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True,
title: Optional[str] = "",
description: Optional[str] = "",
"""Connect a Local storage to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
local_store_path: string
Path to declare as local storage.
regex_filter: string
Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data
use_blob_urls: bool
Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
title: string
Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio.
description: string
Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage.
containing the same fields as in the request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
raise ValueError(
"To use connect_local_import_storage() you should set "
"read more:"
if not os.path.isdir(local_store_path):
raise ValueError(f"{local_store_path} is not a directory")
if (Path(root) in Path(local_store_path).parents) is False:
raise ValueError(
f"{str(Path(root))} is not presented in local_store_path parents: "
payload = {
"regex_filter": regex_filter,
"use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls,
"path": local_store_path,
"presign": False,
"presign_ttl": 1,
"title": title,
"description": description,
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/storages/localfiles?project={}", json=payload
return response.json()
def sync_import_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id):
"""Synchronize Import (Source) Cloud Storage.
storage_type: string
Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types.
storage_id: int
Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_import_storages() to get ids.
containing the same fields as in the original storage request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
last_sync: str
Time last sync finished, can be empty.
last_sync_count: int
Number of tasks synced in the last sync
# originally syn was implemented in Client class, keep it for compatibility
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/storages/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync"
return response.json()
# write func for syn export storage
def sync_export_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id):
"""Synchronize Export (Target) Cloud Storage.
storage_type: string
Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types.
storage_id: int
Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_export_storages() to get ids.
containing the same fields as in the original storage request and:
id: int
Storage ID
type: str
Type of storage
created_at: str
Creation time
other fields:
See more
response = self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/storages/export/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync"
return response.json()
# write code for get_import_storages()
def get_import_storages(self):
"""Get Import (Source) Cloud Storage.
list of dicts:
List of dicts with source storages, each dict consists of these fields:
Each dict consists of these fields:
id : int
A unique integer value identifying this storage.
type : str
The type of the storage. Default is "s3".
synchronizable : bool
Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True.
presign : bool
Indicates if the storage is presign. Default is True.
last_sync : str or None
The last sync finished time. Can be None.
last_sync_count : int or None
The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None.
last_sync_job : str or None
The last sync job ID. Can be None.
status : str
The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed".
traceback : str or None
The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None.
meta : dict or None
Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None.
title : str or None
The title of the cloud storage. Can be None.
description : str or None
The description of the cloud storage. Can be None.
created_at : str
The creation time of the storage.
bucket : str or None
The S3 bucket name. Can be None.
prefix : str or None
The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None.
regex_filter : str or None
The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None.
use_blob_urls : bool
Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs.
aws_access_key_id : str or None
The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None.
aws_secret_access_key : str or None
aws_session_token : str or None
aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None
The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None.
region_name : str or None
The AWS Region. Can be None.
s3_endpoint : str or None
The S3 Endpoint. Can be None.
presign_ttl : int
The presigned URLs TTL (in minutes).
recursive_scan : bool
Indicates if a recursive scan over the bucket content is performed.
glob_pattern : str or None
The glob pattern for syncing from bucket. Can be None.
synced : bool
Flag indicating if the dataset has been previously synced or not.
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/?project={}")
return response.json()
def get_export_storages(self):
"""Get Export (Target) Cloud Storage.
list of dicts:
List of dicts with target storages
Each dict consists of these fields:
id : int
A unique integer value identifying this storage.
type : str
The type of the storage. Default is "s3".
synchronizable : bool
Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True.
last_sync : str or None
The last sync finished time. Can be None.
last_sync_count : int or None
The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None.
last_sync_job : str or None
The last sync job ID. Can be None.
status : str
The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed".
traceback : str or None
The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None.
meta : dict or None
Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None.
title : str or None
The title of the cloud storage. Can be None.
description : str or None
The description of the cloud storage. Can be None.
created_at : str
The creation time of the storage.
can_delete_objects : bool or None
Deletion from storage enabled. Can be None.
bucket : str or None
The S3 bucket name. Can be None.
prefix : str or None
The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None.
regex_filter : str or None
The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None.
use_blob_urls : bool
Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs.
aws_access_key_id : str or None
The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None.
aws_secret_access_key : str or None
aws_session_token : str or None
aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None
The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None.
region_name : str or None
The AWS Region. Can be None.
s3_endpoint : str or None
The S3 Endpoint. Can be None.
project : int
A unique integer value identifying this project.
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/export?project={}")
return response.json()
def _assign_by_sampling(
users: List[int],
assign_function: Callable,
view_id: int = None,
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM,
fraction: float = 1.0,
overlap: int = 1,
Assigning tasks to Reviewers or Annotators by assign_function with method by fraction from view_id
users: List[int]
users' IDs list
assign_function: Callable
Function to assign tasks by list of user IDs
view_id: int
Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod
Optional, Assignment method
fraction: float
Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
overlap: int
Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task
List of dicts with counter of created assignments
assert len(users) > 0, "Users list is empty."
assert len(users) >= overlap, "Overlap is more than number of users."
# check if users are int and not User objects
if isinstance(users[0], int):
# get users from project
project_users = self.get_members()
# User objects list
users = [user for user in project_users if in users]
final_results = []
# Get tasks to assign
tasks = self.get_tasks(view_id=view_id, only_ids=True)
assert len(tasks) > 0, "Tasks list is empty."
# Choice fraction of tasks
if fraction != 1.0:
k = int(len(tasks) * fraction)
tasks = sample(tasks, k)
# prepare random list of tasks for overlap > 1
if overlap > 1:
tasks = tasks * overlap
# Check how many tasks for each user
n_tasks = max(int(len(tasks) // len(users)), 1)
# Assign each user tasks
for user in users:
# check if last chunk of tasks is less than average chunk
if n_tasks > len(tasks):
n_tasks = len(tasks)
# check if last chunk of tasks is more than average chunk + 1
# (covers rounding issue in line 1407)
elif n_tasks + 1 == len(tasks) and n_tasks != 1:
n_tasks = n_tasks + 1
if method == AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM and overlap == 1:
sample_tasks = sample(tasks, n_tasks)
elif method == AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM and overlap > 1:
sample_tasks = tasks[:n_tasks]
raise ValueError(f"Sampling method {method} is not allowed")
final_results.append(assign_function([user], sample_tasks))
if overlap > 1:
tasks = tasks[n_tasks:]
tasks = list(set(tasks) - set(sample_tasks))
if len(tasks) == 0:
# check if any tasks left
if len(tasks) > 0:
for user in users:
if not tasks:
task = tasks.pop()
final_results.append(assign_function([user], [task]))
return final_results
def assign_reviewers_by_sampling(
users: List[int],
view_id: int = None,
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM,
fraction: float = 1.0,
overlap: int = 1,
Behaves similarly like `assign_reviewers()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitely,
it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and uniformly splits all tasks across reviewers
Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
users: List[int]
users' IDs list
view_id: int
Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod
Optional, Assignment method
fraction: float
Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
overlap: int
Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task
List of dicts with counter of created assignments
return self._assign_by_sampling(
def assign_annotators_by_sampling(
users: List[int],
view_id: int = None,
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM,
fraction: float = 1.0,
overlap: int = 1,
Behaves similarly like `assign_annotators()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitly,
it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and splits all tasks across annotators.
Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned.
users: List[int]
users' IDs list
view_id: int
Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign
method: AssignmentSamplingMethod
Optional, Assignment method
fraction: float
Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
overlap: int
Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task
List of dicts with counter of created assignments
return self._assign_by_sampling(
def export_snapshot_list(self) -> list:
Get list of export snapshots for the current project
List of dict with export snapshots with status:
id: int
Export ID
created_at: str
Creation time
status: str
Export status
created_by: dict
User data
finished_at: str
Finished time
response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports")
return response.json()
def export_snapshot_create(
title: str,
task_filter_options: dict = None,
serialization_options_drafts: bool = True,
serialization_options_predictions: bool = True,
serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool = True,
annotation_filter_options_usual: bool = True,
annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool = True,
annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool = True,
interpolate_key_frames: bool = False,
) -> dict:
Create new export snapshot
title: str
Export title
task_filter_options: dict
Task filter options, use {"view": tab_id} to apply filter from this tab,
<a href="">check the API parameters for more details</a>
serialization_options_drafts: bool
Expand drafts (False) or include only ID (True)
serialization_options_predictions: bool
Expand predictions (False) or include only ID (True)
serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool
Expand user that completed_by (False) or include only ID (True)
annotation_filter_options_usual: bool
Include not cancelled and not ground truth annotations
annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool
Filter ground truth annotations
annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool
Filter skipped annotations
interpolate_key_frames: bool
Interpolate key frames into sequence
containing the same fields as in the request and the created export fields:
id: int
Export ID
created_at: str
Creation time
status: str
Export status
created_by: dict
User data
finished_at: str
Finished time
if task_filter_options is None:
task_filter_options = {}
payload = {
"title": title,
"serialization_options": {
"drafts": {"only_id": serialization_options_drafts},
"predictions": {"only_id": serialization_options_predictions},
"annotations__completed_by": {
"only_id": serialization_options_annotations__completed_by
"interpolate_key_frames": interpolate_key_frames,
"task_filter_options": task_filter_options,
"annotation_filter_options": {
"usual": annotation_filter_options_usual,
"ground_truth": annotation_filter_options_ground_truth,
"skipped": annotation_filter_options_skipped,
response = self.make_request(
return response.json()
def export(
title="SDK Export",
Export tasks from the project with optional filters,
and save the exported data to a specified directory.
This method:
(1) creates a temporary view with the specified filters if they are not None,
(2) creates a new export snapshot using the view ID,
(3) checks the status of the snapshot creation while it's in progress,
(4) and downloads the snapshot file in the specified export format.
(5) After the export, it cleans up and remove the temporary view.
filters : data_manager.Filters, dict, optional
Filters to apply when exporting tasks.
If provided, a temporary view is created with these filters.
The format of the filters should match the Label Studio filter options.
Default is None, which means all tasks are exported.
Use label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() to create filters,
Example of the filters JSON format:
"conjunction": "and",
"items": [
"filter": "filter:tasks:id",
"operator": "equal",
"type": "Number",
"value": 1
titile : str, optional
The title of the export snapshot. Default is 'SDK Export'.
export_type : str, optional
The format of the exported data. It should be one of the formats supported by Label Studio ('JSON', 'CSV', etc.). Default is 'JSON'.
output_dir : str, optional
The directory where the exported file will be saved. Default is the current directory.
kwargs : kwargs, optional
The same parameters as in the export_snapshot_create method.
containing the status of the export, the filename of the exported file, and the export ID.
filename : str
Path to the downloaded export file
status : int
200 is ok
export_id : int
Export ID, you can retrieve more details about this export using this ID
# Create a temporary view with the specified filters
if filters:
view = self.create_view(title="Temp SDK export", filters=filters)
task_filter_options = {"view": view["id"]}
task_filter_options = None
view = None
# Create a new export snapshot using the view ID
export_result = self.export_snapshot_create(
# Check the status of the snapshot creation
export_id = export_result["id"]
while self.export_snapshot_status(export_id).is_in_progress():
time.sleep(1.0) # Wait until the snapshot is ready
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Download the snapshot file once it's ready
status, filename = self.export_snapshot_download(
export_id, export_type=export_type, path=output_dir
# Clean up the view
if view:
return {"status": status, "filename": filename, "export_id": export_id}
def export_snapshot_status(self, export_id: int) -> ExportSnapshotStatus:
Get export snapshot status by Export ID
export_id: int
Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports()
ExportSnapshotStatus.response is dict and contains the following fields:
id: int
Export ID
created_at: str
Creation time
status: str
created, completed, in_progress, failed
created_by: dict
User data
finished_at: str
Finished time
response = self.make_request(
"GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}"
return ExportSnapshotStatus(response.json())
def export_snapshot_download(
self, export_id: int, export_type: str = "JSON", path: str = "."
) -> (int, str):
Download file with export snapshot in provided format
export_id: int
Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports()
export_type: str
Default export_type is JSON.
Specify another format type as referenced in <a href="">
the Label Studio converter code</a>.
path: str
Default path to store downloaded files
Status code for operation and downloaded filename
response = self.make_request(
filename = None
if response.status_code == 200:
content_disposition = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition")
if content_disposition:
filename = content_disposition.split("filename=")[-1].strip("\"'")
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
raise LabelStudioException("No filename in response")
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") as f:
for chk in response:
return response.status_code, filename
def export_snapshot_delete(self, export_id: int) -> int:
"""Delete an export file by specified export ID
export_id: int
Existing Export ID from current project
Status code for operation
response = self.make_request(
"DELETE", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}"
return response.status_code
def get_files_from_tasks(self, tasks: Dict, get_tasks: bool = False):
"""Copy files from tasks to cache folder
tasks: Dict
Tasks to download to local storage
get_tasks: bool
Get all tasks from current project
List of filenames
if get_tasks:
tasks = self.get_tasks()
filenames = []
if tasks:
for task in tasks:
for key in task["data"]:
filename = get_local_path(
except (FileNotFoundError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, IOError):
logger.debug(f"Couldn't copy file {task['data'][key]}.")
return filenames
def delete_task(self, task_id: int) -> Response:
"""Delete a task. To remove multiple tasks `use delete_tasks()`.
task_id: int
Task id.
assert isinstance(task_id, int), "task_id should be int"
return self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}")
def delete_tasks(self, task_ids: list) -> Response:
"""Delete multiple tasks by IDs.
task_ids: list of int
Task ids.
assert isinstance(task_ids, list), "task_ids should be list of int"
if not task_ids: # avoid deletion of all tasks when task_ids = []
return Response()
payload = {
"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": task_ids},
return self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload
def delete_all_tasks(self, excluded_ids: list = None) -> Response:
"""Delete all tasks from the project.
excluded_ids: list of int
Task ids that should be excluded from the deletion.
assert (
isinstance(excluded_ids, list) or excluded_ids is None
), "excluded_ids should be list of int or None"
if excluded_ids is None:
excluded_ids = []
payload = {
"selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": excluded_ids},
return self.make_request(
"POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload
class AssignmentSamplingMethod (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enumeration.
source code Browse git
class AssignmentSamplingMethod(Enum): RANDOM = auto() # produces uniform splits across annotators
class ExportSnapshotStatus (response)
source code Browse git
class ExportSnapshotStatus: CREATED = "created" """ Export snapshot is created """ IN_PROGRESS = "in_progress" """ Export snapshot is in progress """ FAILED = "failed" """ Export snapshot failed with errors """ COMPLETED = "completed" """ Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded """ def __init__(self, response): self.response = response def is_created(self): """Export snapshot is created""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export snapshot status response' return self.response["status"] == self.CREATED def is_in_progress(self): """Export snapshot is in progress""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.IN_PROGRESS def is_failed(self): """Export snapshot failed with errors""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.FAILED def is_completed(self): """Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.COMPLETED
Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded
Export snapshot is created
Export snapshot failed with errors
Export snapshot is in progress
def is_completed(self)
Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded
source code Browse git
def is_completed(self): """Export snapshot was created and can be downloaded""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.COMPLETED
def is_created(self)
Export snapshot is created
source code Browse git
def is_created(self): """Export snapshot is created""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export snapshot status response' return self.response["status"] == self.CREATED
def is_failed(self)
Export snapshot failed with errors
source code Browse git
def is_failed(self): """Export snapshot failed with errors""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.FAILED
def is_in_progress(self)
Export snapshot is in progress
source code Browse git
def is_in_progress(self): """Export snapshot is in progress""" assert ( "status" in self.response ), '"status" field not found in export_snapshot_status response' return self.response["status"] == self.IN_PROGRESS
class LabelStudioAttributeError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
source code Browse git
class LabelStudioAttributeError(LabelStudioException): pass
class LabelStudioException (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
source code Browse git
class LabelStudioException(Exception): pass
class Project (*args, **kwargs)
Initialize project class.
source code Browse git
class Project(Client): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize project class. Parameters ---------- """ super(Project, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.params = {} def __getattr__(self, item): return self._get_param(item) @property def parsed_label_config(self): """Get the parsed labeling configuration for the project. You can use this to more easily construct annotation or prediction results based on your labeling configuration. Returns ------- dict Object and control tags from the project labeling configuration. Example with structured configuration of the form: ``` { "<ControlTag>.name": { "type": "ControlTag", "to_name": ["<ObjectTag1>.name", "<ObjectTag2>.name"], "inputs: [ {"type": "ObjectTag1", "value": "<ObjectTag1>.value"}, {"type": "ObjectTag2", "value": "<ObjectTag2>.value"} ], "labels": ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"] } ``` `"labels"` are taken from "alias" attribute if it exists, else "value" """ return parse_config(self.label_config) def get_members(self): """Get members from this project. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- list of `label_studio_sdk.users.User` """ from .users import User assert self.is_enterprise, ( "Project members are available in the Enterprise edition of Label Studio only. " "Use get_users() instead." ) response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/members") users = [] for user_data in response.json(): user_data["client"] = self users.append(User(**user_data)) return users def add_member(self, user): """Add a user to a project. Parameters ---------- user: User Returns ------- dict Dict with created member """ payload = {"user":} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/members", json=payload ) return response.json() def assign_annotators(self, users, tasks_ids): """Assign annotators to tasks Parameters ---------- users: list of user's objects tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign users to Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created assignments """ final_response = {"assignments": 0} users_ids = [ for user in users] # Assign tasks to users with batches for c in chunk(tasks_ids, 1000): logger.debug(f"Starting assignment for: {users_ids}") payload = { "users": users_ids, "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": c}, "type": "AN", } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload ) final_response["assignments"] += response.json()["assignments"] return final_response def delete_annotators_assignment(self, tasks_ids): """Remove all assigned annotators for tasks Parameters ---------- tasks_ids: list of int Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of deleted annotator assignments """ payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?id=delete_annotators&project={}", json=payload, ) return response.json() def delete_reviewers_assignment(self, tasks_ids): """Clear all assigned reviewers for tasks Parameters ---------- tasks_ids: list of int Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of deleted reviewer assignments """ payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?id=delete_reviewers&project={}", json=payload, ) return response.json() def assign_reviewers(self, users, tasks_ids): """Assign reviewers to tasks Parameters ---------- users: list of user's objects tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign reviewers to Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created assignments """ payload = { "users": [ for user in users], "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}, "type": "RE", } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload ) return response.json() def _get_param(self, param_name): if param_name not in self.params: self.update_params() if param_name not in self.params: raise LabelStudioAttributeError( f'Project "{param_name}" field is not set' ) return self.params[param_name] def get_params(self): """Get all available project parameters. Returns -------- dict containing all following params: title: str Project name. description: str Project description label_config: str Label config in XML format. expert_instruction: str Labeling instructions in HTML format show_instruction: bool Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start show_skip_button: bool Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task enable_empty_annotation: bool Allow annotators to submit empty annotations show_annotation_history: bool Show annotation history to annotator organization: int Organization ID color: str Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI maximum_annotations: int Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only) is_published: bool Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only) model_version: str Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations is_draft: bool Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only) created_by: object Details about the user that created the project min_annotations_to_start_training: int Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started show_collab_predictions: bool Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model sampling: str Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling" show_ground_truth_first: bool Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only) show_overlap_first: bool Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only) overlap_cohort_percentage: int Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only) task_data_login: str User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) task_data_password: str Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) control_weights: object Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only) evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}") return response.json() def get_model_versions(self): """Get the list of available ML model versions from pre-annotations or connected ML backends. Returns ------- list of strings Model versions """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/model-versions") return response.json() def update_params(self): """Get [all available project parameters](#label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_params) and cache them.""" self.params = self.get_params() def start_project(self, **kwargs): """Create a new labeling project in Label Studio. Parameters ---------- title: str Project name. description: str Project description label_config: str Label config in XML format. expert_instruction: str Labeling instructions in HTML format show_instruction: bool Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start show_skip_button: bool Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task enable_empty_annotation: bool Allow annotators to submit empty annotations show_annotation_history: bool Show annotation history to annotator organization: int Organization ID color: str Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI maximum_annotations: int Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only) is_published: bool Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only) model_version: str Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations is_draft: bool Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only) created_by: object Details about the user that created the project min_annotations_to_start_training: int Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started show_collab_predictions: bool Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model sampling: str Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling" show_ground_truth_first: bool Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only) show_overlap_first: bool Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only) overlap_cohort_percentage: int Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only) task_data_login: str User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) task_data_password: str Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) control_weights: object Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only) evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task Raises LabelStudioException in case of errors. """ response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/projects", json=kwargs) if response.status_code == 201: self.params = response.json() else: raise LabelStudioException("Project not created") @classmethod def _create_from_id(cls, client, project_id, params=None): project = cls( url=client.url, api_key=client.api_key, session=client.session, extra_headers=client.headers, versions=client.versions, make_request_raise=client.make_request_raise, ) if params and isinstance(params, dict): # TODO: validate project parameters project.params = params project.params["id"] = project_id return project @classmethod def get_from_id(cls, client, project_id) -> "Project": """Class factory to create a project instance from an existing project ID. Parameters ---------- client: class Client project_id: int Project ID Returns ------- `Project` """ project = cls._create_from_id(client, project_id) project.update_params() return project def import_tasks(self, tasks, preannotated_from_fields: List = None): """Import JSON-formatted labeling tasks. Tasks can be unlabeled or contain predictions. Parameters ---------- tasks: list of dicts | dict | path to file Tasks in <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format</a> preannotated_from_fields: list of strings Turns flat task JSON formatted like: `{"column1": value, "column2": value}` into Label Studio prediction data format: `{"data": {"column1"..}, "predictions": [{..."column2"}]` Useful when all your data is stored in tabular format with one column dedicated to model predictions. Returns ------- list of int Imported task IDs """ params = {"return_task_ids": "1"} if preannotated_from_fields: params["preannotated_from_fields"] = ",".join(preannotated_from_fields) if isinstance(tasks, (list, dict)): response = self.make_request( method="POST", url=f"/api/projects/{}/import", json=tasks, params=params, timeout=(10, 600), ) elif isinstance(tasks, (str, Path)): # try import from file if not os.path.isfile(tasks): raise LabelStudioException(f"Not found import tasks file {tasks}") with open(tasks, mode="rb") as f: response = self.make_request( method="POST", url=f"/api/projects/{}/import", files={"file": f}, params=params, timeout=(10, 600), ) else: raise TypeError( f'Not supported type provided as "tasks" argument: {type(tasks)}' ) response = response.json() if "import" in response: # check import status timeout = 300 fibonacci_backoff = [1, 1] start_time = time.time() while True: import_status = self.make_request( method="GET", url=f'/api/projects/{}/imports/{response["import"]}', ).json() if import_status["status"] == "completed": return import_status["task_ids"] if import_status["status"] == "failed": raise LabelStudioException(import_status["error"]) if time.time() - start_time >= timeout: raise LabelStudioException("Import timeout") time.sleep(fibonacci_backoff[0]) fibonacci_backoff = [ fibonacci_backoff[1], fibonacci_backoff[0] + fibonacci_backoff[1], ] return response["task_ids"] def export_tasks( self, export_type: str = "JSON", download_all_tasks: bool = False, download_resources: bool = False, ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, export_location: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[list, pathlib.Path]: """Export annotated tasks. Parameters ---------- export_type: string Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in <a href=""> the Label Studio converter code</a>. download_all_tasks: bool Default download_all_tasks is False. If true, download all tasks regardless of status. If false, download only annotated tasks. download_resources: bool Default download_resources is False. If true, download all resource files such as images, audio, and others relevant to the tasks. ids: list of ints Optional, specify a list of task IDs to retrieve only the details for those tasks. export_location: str or path Optional, specify a location to save the export to, this is mandatory for the YOLO export. A pathlib.Path object will be returned instead of the deserialized json. Returns ------- list of dicts if export_location is None Tasks with annotations pathlib.Path if export_location is not None Path to the export """ params = { "exportType": export_type, "download_all_tasks": download_all_tasks, "download_resources": download_resources, } if ids: params["ids"] = ids response = self.make_request( method="GET", url=f"/api/projects/{}/export", params=params ) if export_location is None: if "JSON" not in export_type.upper(): raise ValueError( f"{export_type} export type requires an export location to be specified" ) return response.json() export_path = pathlib.Path(export_location) # ensure that parent location exists even if it is in some subdirectory export_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(export_path, "wb") as out_file: for chunk in response.iter_content( chunk_size=1024 ): # 1 kib seems reasonable out_file.write(chunk) return export_path def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Low level function to set project parameters.""" response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/projects/{}", json=kwargs) assert response.status_code == 200 def set_sampling(self, sampling: ProjectSampling): """Set the project sampling method for the labeling stream.""" self.set_params(sampling=sampling.value) def set_published(self, is_published: bool): """Set the project publication state. (Enterprise only) Parameters ---------- is_published: bool Project publication state for reviewers and annotators """ self.set_params(is_published=is_published) def set_model_version(self, model_version: str): """Set the current model version to use for displaying predictions to annotators, perform uncertainty sampling and annotation evaluations in Label Studio Enterprise, and other operations. Parameters ---------- model_version: string It can be any string you want """ self.set_params(model_version=model_version) def get_tasks( self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, only_ids: bool = False, ): """Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID. Parameters ---------- filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()` helper to create it. Example: ```json { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ``` ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order view_id: int View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items selected_ids: list of ints Task IDs only_ids: bool If true, return only task IDs Returns ------- list Task list with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager """ page = 1 result = [] data = {} while not data.get("end_pagination"): try: data = self.get_paginated_tasks( filters=filters, ordering=ordering, view_id=view_id, selected_ids=selected_ids, only_ids=only_ids, page=page, page_size=100, ) result += data["tasks"] page += 1 except LabelStudioException as e: logger.debug(f"Error during pagination: {e}") break return result def get_paginated_tasks( self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 100, only_ids: bool = False, resolve_uri: bool = True, ): """Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID. For non-existent pages it returns 404 error. Parameters ---------- filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()` helper to create it. Example: { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order view_id: int View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items selected_ids: list of ints Task IDs page: int Page. Default is 1. page_size: int Page size. Default is 100, to retrieve all tasks in the project you can use get_tasks(). only_ids: bool If true, return only task IDs resolve_uri: bool Resolve pre-sign urls to https links Returns ------- dict Example: { "tasks": [{...}], "total_annotations": 50, "total_predictions": 100, "total": 100 } tasks: list of dicts Tasks with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager total: int Total number of tasks in filtered result total_annotations: int Total number of annotations in filtered tasks total_predictions: int Total number of predictions in filtered tasks """ query = { "filters": filters, "ordering": ordering or [], "selectedItems": ( {"all": False, "included": selected_ids} if selected_ids else {"all": True, "excluded": []} ), } params = { "project":, "page": page, "page_size": page_size, "view": view_id, "query": json.dumps(query), "fields": "all", "resolve_uri": resolve_uri, } if only_ids: params["include"] = "id" response = self.make_request( "GET", "/api/tasks", params, raise_exceptions=False ) # we'll get 404 from API on empty page if response.status_code == 404: return {"tasks": [], "end_pagination": True} elif response.status_code != 200: self.log_response_error(response) try: response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: raise LabelStudioException(f"Error loading tasks: {e}") data = response.json() tasks = data["tasks"] if only_ids: data["tasks"] = [task["id"] for task in tasks] return data def get_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs): """Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_tasks()` but returns only task IDs.""" kwargs["only_ids"] = True return self.get_tasks(*args, **kwargs) def get_paginated_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs): """Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_paginated_tasks()` but returns only task IDs. """ kwargs["only_ids"] = True return self.get_paginated_tasks(*args, **kwargs) def get_views(self): """Get all views related to the project Returns ------- list List of view dicts The each dict contains the following fields: id: int View ID project: int Project ID user: int User ID who created this tab data: dict Filters, orderings and other visual settings """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/dm/views?project={}") return response.json() def create_view(self, filters, ordering=None, title="Tasks"): """Create view Parameters ---------- filters: dict Specify the filters(`label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters`) of the view ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order title: str Tab name Returns ------- dict: dict with created view """ data = { "project":, "data": {"title": title, "ordering": ordering, "filters": filters}, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/dm/views", json=data) return response.json() def delete_view(self, view_id): """Delete view Parameters ---------- view_id: int View ID Returns ------- dict: dict with deleted view """ response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/dm/views/{view_id}") return @property def tasks(self): """Retrieve all tasks from the project. This call can be very slow if the project has a lot of tasks.""" return self.get_tasks() @property def tasks_ids(self): """IDs for all tasks for a project. This call can be very slow if the project has lots of tasks.""" return self.get_tasks_ids() def get_labeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False): """Retrieve all tasks that have been completed, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created Parameters ---------- only_ids: bool Return only task IDs. Returns ------- list List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`. """ return self.get_tasks( filters={ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at", "operator": "empty", "value": False, "type": "Datetime", } ], }, only_ids=only_ids, ) def get_labeled_tasks_ids(self): """Retrieve all task IDs for completed tasks, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created Returns ------- list List of task IDs """ return self.get_labeled_tasks(only_ids=True) def get_unlabeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False): """Retrieve all tasks that are <b>not</b> completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings. Parameters ---------- only_ids: bool Return only task IDs Returns ------- list List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`. """ return self.get_tasks( filters={ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at", "operator": "empty", "value": True, "type": "Datetime", } ], }, only_ids=only_ids, ) def get_unlabeled_tasks_ids(self): """Retrieve all task IDs for tasks that are <b>not</b> completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings. Returns ------- list List of task IDs """ return self.get_unlabeled_tasks(only_ids=True) def get_task(self, task_id): """Get specific task by ID. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to retrieve Returns ------- dict: dict of task data containing all initial data and annotation results in [Label Studio JSON format]( ``` id: int Task ID predictions: dict Predictions object annotations: dict Annotations object drafts: dict Drafts object data: object User imported or uploaded data for a task. Data is formatted according to the project label config. meta: object Meta is user imported (uploaded) data and can be useful as input for an ML Backend for embeddings, advanced vectors, and other info. It is passed to ML during training/predicting steps. (Deprecated) created_at: str Date time string representing the time a task was created. updated_at: str Date time string representing the last time a task was updated. is_labeled: bool True if the number of annotations for this task is greater than or equal to the number of maximum_completions for the project. overlap: int Number of distinct annotators that processed the current task. project: int Project ID for this task file_upload: str Uploaded file used as data source for this task ``` """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}") return response.json() def update_task(self, task_id, **kwargs): """Update specific task by ID. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to update kwargs: kwargs parameters List of parameters to update. Check all available parameters [here]( Returns ------- dict: Dict with updated task """ response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}", json=kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def create_prediction( self, task_id: int, result: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict, str]] = None, score: Optional[float] = 0, model_version: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a prediction for a specific task. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID result: list or dict or str Result in the <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>. For the labeling config: <View> <Image name="image" value="$value"/> <Choices name="class_name" toName="image"> <Choice value="Class A"/> <Choice value="Class B"/> </Choices> </View> The following inputs are equivalent, result could be either full `"predictions"`: [{ "from_name": "class_name", "to_name": "image", "type": "choices", "value": { "choices": ["Class A"] } }] or just `"value"` payload {"choices": ["Class A"]} or just the class name: "Class A" score: float Model prediction score model_version: str Any string identifying your model """ data = {"task": task_id, "result": result, "score": score} if model_version is not None: data["model_version"] = model_version response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/predictions", json=data) json = response.json() logger.debug(f"Response: {json}") return json def create_predictions(self, predictions): """Bulk create predictions for tasks. See <a href="">more details about pre-annotated tasks</a>. Parameters ---------- predictions: list of dicts List of dicts with predictions in the <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>. """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/import/predictions", json=predictions ) return response.json() def create_annotations_from_predictions(self, model_versions=None): """Create annotations from all predictions that exist for project tasks from specific ML model versions. Parameters ---------- model_versions: list or None Convert predictions with these model versions to annotations. If `None`, all existing model versions are used Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created predictions """ payload = { "filters": {"conjunction": "and", "items": []}, "model_version": model_versions, "ordering": [], "project":, "selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": []}, } response = self.make_request( "POST", "/api/dm/actions", params={"id": "predictions_to_annotations", "project":}, json=payload, ) return response.json() def list_annotations(self, task_id: int) -> List: """List all annotations for a task. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID Returns ------- list of dict: List of annotations objects """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations") response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def create_annotation(self, task_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Add annotations to a task like an annotator does. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to update kwargs: kwargs parameters List of parameters to create. Check all available parameters [here]( Labeling is stored in the `result` field as a list of dicionaries, [{...}, {...}, ...] Returns ------- dict: Dict with created annotation """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations/", json=kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def get_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> dict: """Retrieve a specific annotation for a task using the annotation ID. Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int A unique integer value identifying this annotation. Returns ---------- dict Retreived annotation object """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}") response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def update_annotation(self, annotation_id, **kwargs): """Update specific annotation with new annotation parameters, e.g. ``` project.update_annotation(annotation_id=123, ground_truth=True) ``` Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int Existing annotation ID from current project. Could be retrieved from `project.get_tasks()` response kwargs: kwargs parameters List of annotation parameters. Check all available parameters [here]( Returns ------- dict Dict with updated annotation """ response = self.make_request( "PATCH", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}", json=kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def delete_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> int: """Delete an annotation using the annotation ID. This action can't be undone! Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int A unique integer value identifying this annotation. Returns ---------- int Status code for operation """ response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}") response.raise_for_status() return response.status_code def get_predictions_coverage(self): """Prediction coverage stats for all model versions for the project. Returns ------- dict Example: { "2021-01-01": 0.9, "2021-02-01": 0.7 } `0.9` means that 90% of project tasks is covered by predictions with model_version `"2021-01-01"` """ model_versions = self.get_model_versions() params = self.get_params() tasks_number = params["task_number"] coverage = { model_version: count / tasks_number for model_version, count in model_versions.items() } return coverage def get_predictions_conflict(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_predictions_precision(self): raise NotImplementedError def connect_google_import_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", ): """Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the GCS bucket prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket with your data regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. google_application_credentials: string Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication]( presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if google_application_credentials and os.path.isfile( google_application_credentials ): with open(google_application_credentials) as f: google_application_credentials = payload = { "bucket": bucket, "project":, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/gcs", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_google_export_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the GCS bucket prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket to export your data to google_application_credentials: string Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication]( title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS export storage. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the GCS bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if os.path.isfile(google_application_credentials): with open(google_application_credentials) as f: google_application_credentials = payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/gcs", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_s3_import_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage. aws_access_key_id: string Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket. aws_secret_access_key: string Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket. aws_session_token: string Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. recursive_scan: bool Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id, "aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key, "aws_session_token": aws_session_token, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, "recursive_scan": recursive_scan, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_s3s_iam_import_storage( self, role_arn: str, external_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False, aws_sse_kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create S3 secured import storage with IAM role access. Enterprise only. Parameters ---------- role_arn: string Required, specify the AWS Role ARN to assume. external_id: string or None Optional, specify the external ID to use to assume the role. If None, SDK will call api/organizations/<id> and use external_id from the response. You can find this ID on the organization page in the Label Studio UI. bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. recursive_scan: bool Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content. aws_sse_kms_key_id: string Optional, specify an AWS SSE KMS Key ID for server-side encryption. synchronizable, last_sync, last_sync_count, last_sync_job, status, traceback, meta: Parameters for synchronization details and storage status. Returns ------- dict: containing the response from the API including storage ID and type, among other details. """ if external_id is None: organization = self.get_organization() external_id = organization["external_id"] payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "recursive_scan": recursive_scan, "role_arn": role_arn, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "aws_sse_kms_key_id": aws_sse_kms_key_id, "project":, "external_id": external_id, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3s/", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_s3_export_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the S3 bucket to export your data to. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 export storage. aws_access_key_id: string Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket. aws_secret_access_key: string Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket. aws_session_token: string Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the S3 bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id, "aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key, "aws_session_token": aws_session_token, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/s3", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_azure_import_storage( self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None, ): """Connect a Microsoft Azure BLOB storage container to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- container: string Specify the name of the Azure container. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container with your data. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your Azure import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your Azure import storage. account_name: string Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container. account_key: string Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "container": container, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "account_name": account_name, "account_key": account_key, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/azure", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_azure_export_storage( self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect Microsoft Azure BLOB storage to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- container: string Specify the name of the Azure storage container. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container to export your data to. title: string Optional, specify a title for your Azure export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your Azure export storage. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the Azure container if they are deleted in Label Studio. account_name: string Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container. account_key: string Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "container": container, "prefix": prefix, "account_name": account_name, "account_key": account_key, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/azure", json=payload) return response.json() def connect_local_import_storage( self, local_store_path: [str], regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", ): """Connect a Local storage to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- local_store_path: string Path to declare as local storage. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if "LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT" not in os.environ: raise ValueError( "To use connect_local_import_storage() you should set " "LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable, " "read more:" ) root = os.environ["LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] if not os.path.isdir(local_store_path): raise ValueError(f"{local_store_path} is not a directory") if (Path(root) in Path(local_store_path).parents) is False: raise ValueError( f"{str(Path(root))} is not presented in local_store_path parents: " f"{str(Path(local_store_path).parents)}" ) payload = { "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "path": local_store_path, "presign": False, "presign_ttl": 1, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/localfiles?project={}", json=payload ) return response.json() def sync_import_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id): """Synchronize Import (Source) Cloud Storage. Parameters ---------- storage_type: string Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types. storage_id: int Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_import_storages() to get ids. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the original storage request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ # originally syn was implemented in Client class, keep it for compatibility response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync" ) return response.json() # write func for syn export storage def sync_export_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id): """Synchronize Export (Target) Cloud Storage. Parameters ---------- storage_type: string Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types. storage_id: int Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_export_storages() to get ids. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the original storage request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time other fields: See more """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/export/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync" ) return response.json() # write code for get_import_storages() def get_import_storages(self): """Get Import (Source) Cloud Storage. Returns ------- list of dicts: List of dicts with source storages, each dict consists of these fields: ------- Each dict consists of these fields: id : int A unique integer value identifying this storage. type : str The type of the storage. Default is "s3". synchronizable : bool Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True. presign : bool Indicates if the storage is presign. Default is True. last_sync : str or None The last sync finished time. Can be None. last_sync_count : int or None The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None. last_sync_job : str or None The last sync job ID. Can be None. status : str The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed". traceback : str or None The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None. meta : dict or None Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None. title : str or None The title of the cloud storage. Can be None. description : str or None The description of the cloud storage. Can be None. created_at : str The creation time of the storage. bucket : str or None The S3 bucket name. Can be None. prefix : str or None The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None. regex_filter : str or None The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None. use_blob_urls : bool Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs. aws_access_key_id : str or None The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None. aws_secret_access_key : str or None The AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Can be None. aws_session_token : str or None The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None. aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None. region_name : str or None The AWS Region. Can be None. s3_endpoint : str or None The S3 Endpoint. Can be None. presign_ttl : int The presigned URLs TTL (in minutes). recursive_scan : bool Indicates if a recursive scan over the bucket content is performed. glob_pattern : str or None The glob pattern for syncing from bucket. Can be None. synced : bool Flag indicating if the dataset has been previously synced or not. """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/?project={}") return response.json() def get_export_storages(self): """Get Export (Target) Cloud Storage. Returns ------- list of dicts: List of dicts with target storages ------- Each dict consists of these fields: id : int A unique integer value identifying this storage. type : str The type of the storage. Default is "s3". synchronizable : bool Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True. last_sync : str or None The last sync finished time. Can be None. last_sync_count : int or None The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None. last_sync_job : str or None The last sync job ID. Can be None. status : str The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed". traceback : str or None The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None. meta : dict or None Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None. title : str or None The title of the cloud storage. Can be None. description : str or None The description of the cloud storage. Can be None. created_at : str The creation time of the storage. can_delete_objects : bool or None Deletion from storage enabled. Can be None. bucket : str or None The S3 bucket name. Can be None. prefix : str or None The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None. regex_filter : str or None The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None. use_blob_urls : bool Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs. aws_access_key_id : str or None The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None. aws_secret_access_key : str or None The AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Can be None. aws_session_token : str or None The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None. aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None. region_name : str or None The AWS Region. Can be None. s3_endpoint : str or None The S3 Endpoint. Can be None. project : int A unique integer value identifying this project. """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/export?project={}") return response.json() def _assign_by_sampling( self, users: List[int], assign_function: Callable, view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1, ): """ Assigning tasks to Reviewers or Annotators by assign_function with method by fraction from view_id Parameters ---------- users: List[int] users' IDs list assign_function: Callable Function to assign tasks by list of user IDs view_id: int Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign method: AssignmentSamplingMethod Optional, Assignment method fraction: float Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned overlap: int Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task Returns ------- list[dict] List of dicts with counter of created assignments """ assert len(users) > 0, "Users list is empty." assert len(users) >= overlap, "Overlap is more than number of users." # check if users are int and not User objects if isinstance(users[0], int): # get users from project project_users = self.get_members() # User objects list users = [user for user in project_users if in users] final_results = [] # Get tasks to assign tasks = self.get_tasks(view_id=view_id, only_ids=True) assert len(tasks) > 0, "Tasks list is empty." # Choice fraction of tasks if fraction != 1.0: k = int(len(tasks) * fraction) tasks = sample(tasks, k) # prepare random list of tasks for overlap > 1 if overlap > 1: shuffle(tasks) tasks = tasks * overlap # Check how many tasks for each user n_tasks = max(int(len(tasks) // len(users)), 1) # Assign each user tasks for user in users: # check if last chunk of tasks is less than average chunk if n_tasks > len(tasks): n_tasks = len(tasks) # check if last chunk of tasks is more than average chunk + 1 # (covers rounding issue in line 1407) elif n_tasks + 1 == len(tasks) and n_tasks != 1: n_tasks = n_tasks + 1 if method == AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM and overlap == 1: sample_tasks = sample(tasks, n_tasks) elif method == AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM and overlap > 1: sample_tasks = tasks[:n_tasks] else: raise ValueError(f"Sampling method {method} is not allowed") final_results.append(assign_function([user], sample_tasks)) if overlap > 1: tasks = tasks[n_tasks:] else: tasks = list(set(tasks) - set(sample_tasks)) if len(tasks) == 0: break # check if any tasks left if len(tasks) > 0: for user in users: if not tasks: break task = tasks.pop() final_results.append(assign_function([user], [task])) return final_results def assign_reviewers_by_sampling( self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1, ): """ Behaves similarly like `assign_reviewers()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitely, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and uniformly splits all tasks across reviewers Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned Parameters ---------- users: List[int] users' IDs list view_id: int Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign method: AssignmentSamplingMethod Optional, Assignment method fraction: float Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned overlap: int Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task Returns ------- list[dict] List of dicts with counter of created assignments """ return self._assign_by_sampling( users=users, assign_function=self.assign_reviewers, view_id=view_id, method=method, fraction=fraction, overlap=overlap, ) def assign_annotators_by_sampling( self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1, ): """ Behaves similarly like `assign_annotators()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitly, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and splits all tasks across annotators. Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned. Parameters ---------- users: List[int] users' IDs list view_id: int Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign method: AssignmentSamplingMethod Optional, Assignment method fraction: float Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned overlap: int Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task Returns ------- list[dict] List of dicts with counter of created assignments """ return self._assign_by_sampling( users=users, assign_function=self.assign_annotators, view_id=view_id, method=method, fraction=fraction, overlap=overlap, ) def export_snapshot_list(self) -> list: """ Get list of export snapshots for the current project ------- Returns ------- list[dict] List of dict with export snapshots with status: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str Export status created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports") return response.json() def export_snapshot_create( self, title: str, task_filter_options: dict = None, serialization_options_drafts: bool = True, serialization_options_predictions: bool = True, serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_usual: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool = True, interpolate_key_frames: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Create new export snapshot ---------- Parameters ---------- title: str Export title task_filter_options: dict Task filter options, use {"view": tab_id} to apply filter from this tab, <a href="">check the API parameters for more details</a> serialization_options_drafts: bool Expand drafts (False) or include only ID (True) serialization_options_predictions: bool Expand predictions (False) or include only ID (True) serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool Expand user that completed_by (False) or include only ID (True) annotation_filter_options_usual: bool Include not cancelled and not ground truth annotations annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool Filter ground truth annotations annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool Filter skipped annotations interpolate_key_frames: bool Interpolate key frames into sequence Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and the created export fields: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str Export status created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ if task_filter_options is None: task_filter_options = {} payload = { "title": title, "serialization_options": { "drafts": {"only_id": serialization_options_drafts}, "predictions": {"only_id": serialization_options_predictions}, "annotations__completed_by": { "only_id": serialization_options_annotations__completed_by }, "interpolate_key_frames": interpolate_key_frames, }, "task_filter_options": task_filter_options, "annotation_filter_options": { "usual": annotation_filter_options_usual, "ground_truth": annotation_filter_options_ground_truth, "skipped": annotation_filter_options_skipped, }, } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/exports?interpolate_key_frames={interpolate_key_frames}", json=payload, ) return response.json() def export( self, filters=None, title="SDK Export", export_type="JSON", output_dir=".", **kwargs, ): """ Export tasks from the project with optional filters, and save the exported data to a specified directory. This method: (1) creates a temporary view with the specified filters if they are not None, (2) creates a new export snapshot using the view ID, (3) checks the status of the snapshot creation while it's in progress, (4) and downloads the snapshot file in the specified export format. (5) After the export, it cleans up and remove the temporary view. Parameters ---------- filters : data_manager.Filters, dict, optional Filters to apply when exporting tasks. If provided, a temporary view is created with these filters. The format of the filters should match the Label Studio filter options. Default is None, which means all tasks are exported. Use label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() to create filters, Example of the filters JSON format: ```json { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ``` titile : str, optional The title of the export snapshot. Default is 'SDK Export'. export_type : str, optional The format of the exported data. It should be one of the formats supported by Label Studio ('JSON', 'CSV', etc.). Default is 'JSON'. output_dir : str, optional The directory where the exported file will be saved. Default is the current directory. kwargs : kwargs, optional The same parameters as in the export_snapshot_create method. Returns ------- dict containing the status of the export, the filename of the exported file, and the export ID. filename : str Path to the downloaded export file status : int 200 is ok export_id : int Export ID, you can retrieve more details about this export using this ID """ # Create a temporary view with the specified filters if filters: view = self.create_view(title="Temp SDK export", filters=filters) task_filter_options = {"view": view["id"]} else: task_filter_options = None view = None # Create a new export snapshot using the view ID export_result = self.export_snapshot_create( title=title, task_filter_options=task_filter_options, **kwargs, ) # Check the status of the snapshot creation export_id = export_result["id"] while self.export_snapshot_status(export_id).is_in_progress(): time.sleep(1.0) # Wait until the snapshot is ready os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Download the snapshot file once it's ready status, filename = self.export_snapshot_download( export_id, export_type=export_type, path=output_dir ) # Clean up the view if view: self.delete_view(view["id"]) return {"status": status, "filename": filename, "export_id": export_id} def export_snapshot_status(self, export_id: int) -> ExportSnapshotStatus: """ Get export snapshot status by Export ID ---------- Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports() Returns ------- `label_studio_sdk.project.ExportSnapshotStatus` ExportSnapshotStatus.response is dict and contains the following fields: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str created, completed, in_progress, failed created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ response = self.make_request( "GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}" ) return ExportSnapshotStatus(response.json()) def export_snapshot_download( self, export_id: int, export_type: str = "JSON", path: str = "." ) -> (int, str): """ Download file with export snapshot in provided format ---------- Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports() export_type: str Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in <a href=""> the Label Studio converter code</a>. path: str Default path to store downloaded files Returns ------- Status code for operation and downloaded filename """ response = self.make_request( "GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}/download?exportType={export_type}", ) filename = None if response.status_code == 200: content_disposition = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition") if content_disposition: filename = content_disposition.split("filename=")[-1].strip("\"'") filename = os.path.basename(filename) else: raise LabelStudioException("No filename in response") with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") as f: for chk in response: f.write(chk) return response.status_code, filename def export_snapshot_delete(self, export_id: int) -> int: """Delete an export file by specified export ID Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project Returns ---------- Status code for operation """ response = self.make_request( "DELETE", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}" ) return response.status_code def get_files_from_tasks(self, tasks: Dict, get_tasks: bool = False): """Copy files from tasks to cache folder Parameters ---------- tasks: Dict Tasks to download to local storage get_tasks: bool Get all tasks from current project Returns ------- list List of filenames """ if get_tasks: tasks = self.get_tasks() filenames = [] if tasks: for task in tasks: for key in task["data"]: try: filename = get_local_path( task["data"][key], access_token=self.api_key, hostname=self.url, ) filenames.append(filename) except (FileNotFoundError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, IOError): logger.debug(f"Couldn't copy file {task['data'][key]}.") return filenames def delete_task(self, task_id: int) -> Response: """Delete a task. To remove multiple tasks `use delete_tasks()`. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task id. """ assert isinstance(task_id, int), "task_id should be int" return self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}") def delete_tasks(self, task_ids: list) -> Response: """Delete multiple tasks by IDs. Parameters ---------- task_ids: list of int Task ids. """ assert isinstance(task_ids, list), "task_ids should be list of int" if not task_ids: # avoid deletion of all tasks when task_ids = [] return Response() payload = { "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": task_ids}, "project":, } return self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload ) def delete_all_tasks(self, excluded_ids: list = None) -> Response: """Delete all tasks from the project. Parameters ---------- excluded_ids: list of int Task ids that should be excluded from the deletion. """ assert ( isinstance(excluded_ids, list) or excluded_ids is None ), "excluded_ids should be list of int or None" if excluded_ids is None: excluded_ids = [] payload = { "selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": excluded_ids}, "project":, } return self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload )
Static methods
def get_from_id(client, project_id) ‑> Project
Class factory to create a project instance from an existing project ID.
:class Client
- Project ID
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@classmethod def get_from_id(cls, client, project_id) -> "Project": """Class factory to create a project instance from an existing project ID. Parameters ---------- client: class Client project_id: int Project ID Returns ------- `Project` """ project = cls._create_from_id(client, project_id) project.update_params() return project
Instance variables
Get the parsed labeling configuration for the project. You can use this to more easily construct annotation or prediction results based on your labeling configuration.
- Object and control tags from the project labeling configuration. Example with structured configuration of the form:
{ "<ControlTag>.name": { "type": "ControlTag", "to_name": ["<ObjectTag1>.name", "<ObjectTag2>.name"], "inputs: [ {"type": "ObjectTag1", "value": "<ObjectTag1>.value"}, {"type": "ObjectTag2", "value": "<ObjectTag2>.value"} ], "labels": ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"] }
are taken from "alias" attribute if it exists, else "value"source code Browse git
@property def parsed_label_config(self): """Get the parsed labeling configuration for the project. You can use this to more easily construct annotation or prediction results based on your labeling configuration. Returns ------- dict Object and control tags from the project labeling configuration. Example with structured configuration of the form: ``` { "<ControlTag>.name": { "type": "ControlTag", "to_name": ["<ObjectTag1>.name", "<ObjectTag2>.name"], "inputs: [ {"type": "ObjectTag1", "value": "<ObjectTag1>.value"}, {"type": "ObjectTag2", "value": "<ObjectTag2>.value"} ], "labels": ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"] } ``` `"labels"` are taken from "alias" attribute if it exists, else "value" """ return parse_config(self.label_config)
Retrieve all tasks from the project. This call can be very slow if the project has a lot of tasks.
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@property def tasks(self): """Retrieve all tasks from the project. This call can be very slow if the project has a lot of tasks.""" return self.get_tasks()
IDs for all tasks for a project. This call can be very slow if the project has lots of tasks.
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@property def tasks_ids(self): """IDs for all tasks for a project. This call can be very slow if the project has lots of tasks.""" return self.get_tasks_ids()
def add_member(self, user)
Add a user to a project.
- Dict with created member
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def add_member(self, user): """Add a user to a project. Parameters ---------- user: User Returns ------- dict Dict with created member """ payload = {"user":} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/members", json=payload ) return response.json()
def assign_annotators(self, users, tasks_ids)
Assign annotators to tasks
ofuser's objects
ofinteger task IDs to assign users to
- Dict with counter of created assignments
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def assign_annotators(self, users, tasks_ids): """Assign annotators to tasks Parameters ---------- users: list of user's objects tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign users to Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created assignments """ final_response = {"assignments": 0} users_ids = [ for user in users] # Assign tasks to users with batches for c in chunk(tasks_ids, 1000): logger.debug(f"Starting assignment for: {users_ids}") payload = { "users": users_ids, "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": c}, "type": "AN", } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload ) final_response["assignments"] += response.json()["assignments"] return final_response
def assign_annotators_by_sampling(self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1)
Behaves similarly like
but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitly, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and splits all tasks across annotators. Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned. Parameters
- users' IDs list
- Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign
- Optional, Assignment method
- Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
- Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task
- List of dicts with counter of created assignments
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def assign_annotators_by_sampling( self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1, ): """ Behaves similarly like `assign_annotators()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitly, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and splits all tasks across annotators. Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned. Parameters ---------- users: List[int] users' IDs list view_id: int Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign method: AssignmentSamplingMethod Optional, Assignment method fraction: float Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned overlap: int Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task Returns ------- list[dict] List of dicts with counter of created assignments """ return self._assign_by_sampling( users=users, assign_function=self.assign_annotators, view_id=view_id, method=method, fraction=fraction, overlap=overlap, )
def assign_reviewers(self, users, tasks_ids)
Assign reviewers to tasks
ofuser's objects
ofinteger task IDs to assign reviewers to
- Dict with counter of created assignments
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def assign_reviewers(self, users, tasks_ids): """Assign reviewers to tasks Parameters ---------- users: list of user's objects tasks_ids: list of integer task IDs to assign reviewers to Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created assignments """ payload = { "users": [ for user in users], "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}, "type": "RE", } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/tasks/assignees", json=payload ) return response.json()
def assign_reviewers_by_sampling(self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1)
Behaves similarly like
but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitely, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and uniformly splits all tasks across reviewers Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned Parameters
- users' IDs list
- Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign
- Optional, Assignment method
- Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned
- Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task
- List of dicts with counter of created assignments
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def assign_reviewers_by_sampling( self, users: List[int], view_id: int = None, method: AssignmentSamplingMethod = AssignmentSamplingMethod.RANDOM, fraction: float = 1.0, overlap: int = 1, ): """ Behaves similarly like `assign_reviewers()` but instead of specify tasks_ids explicitely, it gets users' IDs list and optional view ID and uniformly splits all tasks across reviewers Fraction expresses the size of dataset to be assigned Parameters ---------- users: List[int] users' IDs list view_id: int Optional, view ID to filter tasks to assign method: AssignmentSamplingMethod Optional, Assignment method fraction: float Optional, expresses the size of dataset to be assigned overlap: int Optional, expresses the count of assignments for each task Returns ------- list[dict] List of dicts with counter of created assignments """ return self._assign_by_sampling( users=users, assign_function=self.assign_reviewers, view_id=view_id, method=method, fraction=fraction, overlap=overlap, )
def connect_azure_export_storage(self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False)
Connect Microsoft Azure BLOB storage to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
- Specify the name of the Azure storage container.
- Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container to export your data to.
- Optional, specify a title for your Azure export storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your Azure export storage.
- False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the Azure container if they are deleted in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container.
- Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_azure_export_storage( self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect Microsoft Azure BLOB storage to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- container: string Specify the name of the Azure storage container. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container to export your data to. title: string Optional, specify a title for your Azure export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your Azure export storage. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the Azure container if they are deleted in Label Studio. account_name: string Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container. account_key: string Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "container": container, "prefix": prefix, "account_name": account_name, "account_key": account_key, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/azure", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_azure_import_storage(self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None)
Connect a Microsoft Azure BLOB storage container to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
- Specify the name of the Azure container.
- Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container with your data.
- Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
- Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
- Optional, specify a title for your Azure import storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your Azure import storage.
- Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container.
- Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_azure_import_storage( self, container: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", account_name: Optional[str] = None, account_key: Optional[str] = None, ): """Connect a Microsoft Azure BLOB storage container to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- container: string Specify the name of the Azure container. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the Azure container with your data. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your Azure import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your Azure import storage. account_name: string Optional, specify the name of the account with access to the container. account_key: string Optional, specify the key for the account with access to the container. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "container": container, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "account_name": account_name, "account_key": account_key, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/azure", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_google_export_storage(self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', can_delete_objects: bool = False)
Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
- Specify the name of the GCS bucket
- Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket to export your data to
- Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in
environmental variable. Read more about Google Cloud authentication title
- Optional, specify a title for your GCS export storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your GCS export storage.
- False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the GCS bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_google_export_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the GCS bucket prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket to export your data to google_application_credentials: string Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication]( title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS export storage. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the GCS bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if os.path.isfile(google_application_credentials): with open(google_application_credentials) as f: google_application_credentials = payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/gcs", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_google_import_storage(self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '')
Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
- Specify the name of the GCS bucket
- Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket with your data
- Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
- Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in
environmental variable. Read more about Google Cloud authentication presign
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
- Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
- Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_google_import_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, google_application_credentials: Optional[str] = None, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", ): """Connect a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the GCS bucket prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the GCS bucket with your data regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. google_application_credentials: string Optional, provide a file with your Google application credentials. If not specified, it will use path stored in `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environmental variable. Read more about [Google Cloud authentication]( presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if google_application_credentials and os.path.isfile( google_application_credentials ): with open(google_application_credentials) as f: google_application_credentials = payload = { "bucket": bucket, "project":, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "google_application_credentials": google_application_credentials, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/gcs", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_local_import_storage(self, local_store_path: [
], regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '') -
Connect a Local storage to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters
- Path to declare as local storage.
- Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
- Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_local_import_storage( self, local_store_path: [str], regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", ): """Connect a Local storage to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- local_store_path: string Path to declare as local storage. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. title: string Optional, specify a title for your GCS import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your GCS import storage. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ if "LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT" not in os.environ: raise ValueError( "To use connect_local_import_storage() you should set " "LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable, " "read more:" ) root = os.environ["LABEL_STUDIO_LOCAL_FILES_DOCUMENT_ROOT"] if not os.path.isdir(local_store_path): raise ValueError(f"{local_store_path} is not a directory") if (Path(root) in Path(local_store_path).parents) is False: raise ValueError( f"{str(Path(root))} is not presented in local_store_path parents: " f"{str(Path(local_store_path).parents)}" ) payload = { "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "path": local_store_path, "presign": False, "presign_ttl": 1, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/localfiles?project={}", json=payload ) return response.json()
def connect_s3_export_storage(self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False)
Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks.
- Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the S3 bucket to export your data to.
- Optional, specify a title for your S3 export storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your S3 export storage.
- Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket.
- Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket.
- Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket.
- Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
- False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the S3 bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_s3_export_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, can_delete_objects: bool = False, ): """Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as target storage and export tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix or folder within the S3 bucket to export your data to. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 export storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 export storage. aws_access_key_id: string Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket. aws_secret_access_key: string Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket. aws_session_token: string Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. can_delete_objects: bool False by default. Specify whether to delete tasks in the S3 bucket if they are deleted in Label Studio. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id, "aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key, "aws_session_token": aws_session_token, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "title": title, "description": description, "can_delete_objects": can_delete_objects, "project":, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/export/s3", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_s3_import_storage(self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False)
Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks.
- Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from.
- Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
- Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
- Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage.
- Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket.
- Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket.
- Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket.
- Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
- Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content.
- containing the same fields as in the request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def connect_s3_import_storage( self, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Connect an Amazon S3 bucket to Label Studio to use as source storage and import tasks. Parameters ---------- bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage. aws_access_key_id: string Optional, specify the access key ID for your bucket. aws_secret_access_key: string Optional, specify the secret access key for your bucket. aws_session_token: string Optional, specify a session token to use to access your bucket. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. recursive_scan: bool Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "aws_access_key_id": aws_access_key_id, "aws_secret_access_key": aws_secret_access_key, "aws_session_token": aws_session_token, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "project":, "recursive_scan": recursive_scan, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3", json=payload) return response.json()
def connect_s3s_iam_import_storage(self, role_arn: str, external_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = '', description: Optional[str] = '', region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False, aws_sse_kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None)
Create S3 secured import storage with IAM role access. Enterprise only.
- Required, specify the AWS Role ARN to assume.
- Optional, specify the external ID to use to assume the role. If None, SDK will call api/organizations/
and use external_id from the response. You can find this ID on the organization page in the Label Studio UI. bucket
- Specify the name of the S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from.
- Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks.
- Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs.
- Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active.
- Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio.
- Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage.
- Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket.
- Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method.
- Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content.
- Optional, specify an AWS SSE KMS Key ID for server-side encryption.
synchronizable, last_sync, last_sync_count, last_sync_job, status, traceback, meta: Parameters for synchronization details and storage status.
- containing the response from the API including storage ID and type, among other details.
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def connect_s3s_iam_import_storage( self, role_arn: str, external_id: Optional[str] = None, bucket: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, regex_filter: Optional[str] = None, use_blob_urls: Optional[bool] = True, presign: Optional[bool] = True, presign_ttl: Optional[int] = 1, title: Optional[str] = "", description: Optional[str] = "", region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, recursive_scan: Optional[bool] = False, aws_sse_kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create S3 secured import storage with IAM role access. Enterprise only. Parameters ---------- role_arn: string Required, specify the AWS Role ARN to assume. external_id: string or None Optional, specify the external ID to use to assume the role. If None, SDK will call api/organizations/<id> and use external_id from the response. You can find this ID on the organization page in the Label Studio UI. bucket: string Specify the name of the S3 bucket. prefix: string Optional, specify the prefix within the S3 bucket to import your data from. regex_filter: string Optional, specify a regex filter to use to match the file types of your data. use_blob_urls: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether your data is raw image or video data, or JSON tasks. presign: bool Optional, true by default. Specify whether or not to create presigned URLs. presign_ttl: int Optional, 1 by default. Specify how long to keep presigned URLs active. title: string Optional, specify a title for your S3 import storage that appears in Label Studio. description: string Optional, specify a description for your S3 import storage. region_name: string Optional, specify the AWS region of your S3 bucket. s3_endpoint: string Optional, specify an S3 endpoint URL to use to access your bucket instead of the standard access method. recursive_scan: bool Optional, specify whether to perform recursive scan over the bucket content. aws_sse_kms_key_id: string Optional, specify an AWS SSE KMS Key ID for server-side encryption. synchronizable, last_sync, last_sync_count, last_sync_job, status, traceback, meta: Parameters for synchronization details and storage status. Returns ------- dict: containing the response from the API including storage ID and type, among other details. """ if external_id is None: organization = self.get_organization() external_id = organization["external_id"] payload = { "bucket": bucket, "prefix": prefix, "regex_filter": regex_filter, "use_blob_urls": use_blob_urls, "presign": presign, "presign_ttl": presign_ttl, "title": title, "description": description, "recursive_scan": recursive_scan, "role_arn": role_arn, "region_name": region_name, "s3_endpoint": s3_endpoint, "aws_sse_kms_key_id": aws_sse_kms_key_id, "project":, "external_id": external_id, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/storages/s3s/", json=payload) return response.json()
def create_annotation(self, task_id: int, **kwargs) ‑> Dict
Add annotations to a task like an annotator does.
- Task ID you want to update
:kwargs parameters
- List of parameters to create. Check all available parameters here.
Labeling is stored in the
field as a list of dicionaries, [{…}, {…}, …]
- Dict with created annotation
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def create_annotation(self, task_id: int, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Add annotations to a task like an annotator does. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to update kwargs: kwargs parameters List of parameters to create. Check all available parameters [here]( Labeling is stored in the `result` field as a list of dicionaries, [{...}, {...}, ...] Returns ------- dict: Dict with created annotation """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations/", json=kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
def create_annotations_from_predictions(self, model_versions=None)
Create annotations from all predictions that exist for project tasks from specific ML model versions.
- Convert predictions with these model versions to annotations. If
, all existing model versions are used
- Dict with counter of created predictions
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def create_annotations_from_predictions(self, model_versions=None): """Create annotations from all predictions that exist for project tasks from specific ML model versions. Parameters ---------- model_versions: list or None Convert predictions with these model versions to annotations. If `None`, all existing model versions are used Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of created predictions """ payload = { "filters": {"conjunction": "and", "items": []}, "model_version": model_versions, "ordering": [], "project":, "selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": []}, } response = self.make_request( "POST", "/api/dm/actions", params={"id": "predictions_to_annotations", "project":}, json=payload, ) return response.json()
def create_prediction(self, task_id: int, result: Union[List[Dict], Dict, str, ForwardRef(None)] = None, score: Optional[float] = 0, model_version: Optional[str] = None)
Create a prediction for a specific task.
- Task ID
Result in the Label Studio JSON format as for annotations. For the labeling config:
<View> <Image name="image" value="$value"/> <Choices name="class_name" toName="image"> <Choice value="Class A"/> <Choice value="Class B"/> </Choices> </View>
The following inputs are equivalent, result could be either full
:[{ "from_name": "class_name", "to_name": "image", "type": "choices", "value": { "choices": ["Class A"] } }]
or just
payload{"choices": ["Class A"]}
or just the class name:
"Class A"
- Model prediction score
- Any string identifying your model
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def create_prediction( self, task_id: int, result: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict, str]] = None, score: Optional[float] = 0, model_version: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a prediction for a specific task. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID result: list or dict or str Result in the <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>. For the labeling config: <View> <Image name="image" value="$value"/> <Choices name="class_name" toName="image"> <Choice value="Class A"/> <Choice value="Class B"/> </Choices> </View> The following inputs are equivalent, result could be either full `"predictions"`: [{ "from_name": "class_name", "to_name": "image", "type": "choices", "value": { "choices": ["Class A"] } }] or just `"value"` payload {"choices": ["Class A"]} or just the class name: "Class A" score: float Model prediction score model_version: str Any string identifying your model """ data = {"task": task_id, "result": result, "score": score} if model_version is not None: data["model_version"] = model_version response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/predictions", json=data) json = response.json() logger.debug(f"Response: {json}") return json
def create_predictions(self, predictions)
Bulk create predictions for tasks. See more details about pre-annotated tasks.
- List of dicts with predictions in the Label Studio JSON format as for annotations.
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def create_predictions(self, predictions): """Bulk create predictions for tasks. See <a href="">more details about pre-annotated tasks</a>. Parameters ---------- predictions: list of dicts List of dicts with predictions in the <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format as for annotations</a>. """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/import/predictions", json=predictions ) return response.json()
def create_view(self, filters, ordering=None, title='Tasks')
Create view
- Specify the filters(
) of the view ordering
- List with one string representing Data Manager ordering.
helper class. Example:[Column.total_annotations]
,['-' + Column.total_annotations]
- inverted order title
- Tab name
- dict with created view
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def create_view(self, filters, ordering=None, title="Tasks"): """Create view Parameters ---------- filters: dict Specify the filters(`label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters`) of the view ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order title: str Tab name Returns ------- dict: dict with created view """ data = { "project":, "data": {"title": title, "ordering": ordering, "filters": filters}, } response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/dm/views", json=data) return response.json()
def delete_all_tasks(self, excluded_ids: list = None) ‑> requests.models.Response
Delete all tasks from the project.
- Task ids that should be excluded from the deletion.
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def delete_all_tasks(self, excluded_ids: list = None) -> Response: """Delete all tasks from the project. Parameters ---------- excluded_ids: list of int Task ids that should be excluded from the deletion. """ assert ( isinstance(excluded_ids, list) or excluded_ids is None ), "excluded_ids should be list of int or None" if excluded_ids is None: excluded_ids = [] payload = { "selectedItems": {"all": True, "excluded": excluded_ids}, "project":, } return self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload )
def delete_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) ‑> int
Delete an annotation using the annotation ID. This action can't be undone!
- A unique integer value identifying this annotation.
- Status code for operation
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def delete_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> int: """Delete an annotation using the annotation ID. This action can't be undone! Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int A unique integer value identifying this annotation. Returns ---------- int Status code for operation """ response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}") response.raise_for_status() return response.status_code
def delete_annotators_assignment(self, tasks_ids)
Remove all assigned annotators for tasks
- Dict with counter of deleted annotator assignments
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def delete_annotators_assignment(self, tasks_ids): """Remove all assigned annotators for tasks Parameters ---------- tasks_ids: list of int Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of deleted annotator assignments """ payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?id=delete_annotators&project={}", json=payload, ) return response.json()
def delete_reviewers_assignment(self, tasks_ids)
Clear all assigned reviewers for tasks
- Dict with counter of deleted reviewer assignments
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def delete_reviewers_assignment(self, tasks_ids): """Clear all assigned reviewers for tasks Parameters ---------- tasks_ids: list of int Returns ------- dict Dict with counter of deleted reviewer assignments """ payload = {"selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": tasks_ids}} response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?id=delete_reviewers&project={}", json=payload, ) return response.json()
def delete_task(self, task_id: int) ‑> requests.models.Response
Delete a task. To remove multiple tasks
use delete_tasks()
- Task id.
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def delete_task(self, task_id: int) -> Response: """Delete a task. To remove multiple tasks `use delete_tasks()`. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task id. """ assert isinstance(task_id, int), "task_id should be int" return self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}")
def delete_tasks(self, task_ids: list) ‑> requests.models.Response
Delete multiple tasks by IDs.
- Task ids.
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def delete_tasks(self, task_ids: list) -> Response: """Delete multiple tasks by IDs. Parameters ---------- task_ids: list of int Task ids. """ assert isinstance(task_ids, list), "task_ids should be list of int" if not task_ids: # avoid deletion of all tasks when task_ids = [] return Response() payload = { "selectedItems": {"all": False, "included": task_ids}, "project":, } return self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/dm/actions?project={}&id=delete_tasks", json=payload )
def delete_view(self, view_id)
Delete view
- View ID
- dict with deleted view
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def delete_view(self, view_id): """Delete view Parameters ---------- view_id: int View ID Returns ------- dict: dict with deleted view """ response = self.make_request("DELETE", f"/api/dm/views/{view_id}") return
def export(self, filters=None, title='SDK Export', export_type='JSON', output_dir='.', **kwargs)
Export tasks from the project with optional filters, and save the exported data to a specified directory.
This method: (1) creates a temporary view with the specified filters if they are not None, (2) creates a new export snapshot using the view ID, (3) checks the status of the snapshot creation while it's in progress, (4) and downloads the snapshot file in the specified export format. (5) After the export, it cleans up and remove the temporary view.
:data_manager.Filters, dict
, optional- Filters to apply when exporting tasks. If provided, a temporary view is created with these filters. The format of the filters should match the Label Studio filter options. Default is None, which means all tasks are exported. Use label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() to create filters, Example of the filters JSON format:
{ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] }
, optional- The title of the export snapshot. Default is 'SDK Export'.
, optional- The format of the exported data. It should be one of the formats supported by Label Studio ('JSON', 'CSV', etc.). Default is 'JSON'.
, optional- The directory where the exported file will be saved. Default is the current directory.
, optional- The same parameters as in the export_snapshot_create method.
- containing the status of the export, the filename of the exported file, and the export ID.
- Path to the downloaded export file
- 200 is ok
- Export ID, you can retrieve more details about this export using this ID
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def export( self, filters=None, title="SDK Export", export_type="JSON", output_dir=".", **kwargs, ): """ Export tasks from the project with optional filters, and save the exported data to a specified directory. This method: (1) creates a temporary view with the specified filters if they are not None, (2) creates a new export snapshot using the view ID, (3) checks the status of the snapshot creation while it's in progress, (4) and downloads the snapshot file in the specified export format. (5) After the export, it cleans up and remove the temporary view. Parameters ---------- filters : data_manager.Filters, dict, optional Filters to apply when exporting tasks. If provided, a temporary view is created with these filters. The format of the filters should match the Label Studio filter options. Default is None, which means all tasks are exported. Use label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() to create filters, Example of the filters JSON format: ```json { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ``` titile : str, optional The title of the export snapshot. Default is 'SDK Export'. export_type : str, optional The format of the exported data. It should be one of the formats supported by Label Studio ('JSON', 'CSV', etc.). Default is 'JSON'. output_dir : str, optional The directory where the exported file will be saved. Default is the current directory. kwargs : kwargs, optional The same parameters as in the export_snapshot_create method. Returns ------- dict containing the status of the export, the filename of the exported file, and the export ID. filename : str Path to the downloaded export file status : int 200 is ok export_id : int Export ID, you can retrieve more details about this export using this ID """ # Create a temporary view with the specified filters if filters: view = self.create_view(title="Temp SDK export", filters=filters) task_filter_options = {"view": view["id"]} else: task_filter_options = None view = None # Create a new export snapshot using the view ID export_result = self.export_snapshot_create( title=title, task_filter_options=task_filter_options, **kwargs, ) # Check the status of the snapshot creation export_id = export_result["id"] while self.export_snapshot_status(export_id).is_in_progress(): time.sleep(1.0) # Wait until the snapshot is ready os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Download the snapshot file once it's ready status, filename = self.export_snapshot_download( export_id, export_type=export_type, path=output_dir ) # Clean up the view if view: self.delete_view(view["id"]) return {"status": status, "filename": filename, "export_id": export_id}
def export_snapshot_create(self, title: str, task_filter_options: dict = None, serialization_options_drafts: bool = True, serialization_options_predictions: bool = True, serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_usual: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool = True, interpolate_key_frames: bool = False) ‑> dict
Create New Export Snapshot
- Export title
- Task filter options, use {"view": tab_id} to apply filter from this tab, check the API parameters for more details
- Expand drafts (False) or include only ID (True)
- Expand predictions (False) or include only ID (True)
- Expand user that completed_by (False) or include only ID (True)
- Include not cancelled and not ground truth annotations
- Filter ground truth annotations
- Filter skipped annotations
- Interpolate key frames into sequence
- containing the same fields as in the request and the created export fields:
- Export ID
- Creation time
- Export status
- User data
- Finished time
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def export_snapshot_create( self, title: str, task_filter_options: dict = None, serialization_options_drafts: bool = True, serialization_options_predictions: bool = True, serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_usual: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool = True, annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool = True, interpolate_key_frames: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Create new export snapshot ---------- Parameters ---------- title: str Export title task_filter_options: dict Task filter options, use {"view": tab_id} to apply filter from this tab, <a href="">check the API parameters for more details</a> serialization_options_drafts: bool Expand drafts (False) or include only ID (True) serialization_options_predictions: bool Expand predictions (False) or include only ID (True) serialization_options_annotations__completed_by: bool Expand user that completed_by (False) or include only ID (True) annotation_filter_options_usual: bool Include not cancelled and not ground truth annotations annotation_filter_options_ground_truth: bool Filter ground truth annotations annotation_filter_options_skipped: bool Filter skipped annotations interpolate_key_frames: bool Interpolate key frames into sequence Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the request and the created export fields: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str Export status created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ if task_filter_options is None: task_filter_options = {} payload = { "title": title, "serialization_options": { "drafts": {"only_id": serialization_options_drafts}, "predictions": {"only_id": serialization_options_predictions}, "annotations__completed_by": { "only_id": serialization_options_annotations__completed_by }, "interpolate_key_frames": interpolate_key_frames, }, "task_filter_options": task_filter_options, "annotation_filter_options": { "usual": annotation_filter_options_usual, "ground_truth": annotation_filter_options_ground_truth, "skipped": annotation_filter_options_skipped, }, } response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/projects/{}/exports?interpolate_key_frames={interpolate_key_frames}", json=payload, ) return response.json()
def export_snapshot_delete(self, export_id: int) ‑> int
Delete an export file by specified export ID
- Existing Export ID from current project
Status code for operation
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def export_snapshot_delete(self, export_id: int) -> int: """Delete an export file by specified export ID Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project Returns ---------- Status code for operation """ response = self.make_request( "DELETE", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}" ) return response.status_code
def export_snapshot_download(self, export_id: int, export_type: str = 'JSON', path: str = '.') ‑> (
, ) -
Download File With Export Snapshot In Provided Format
- Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports()
- Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in the Label Studio converter code.
- Default path to store downloaded files
Status code for operation and downloaded filename
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def export_snapshot_download( self, export_id: int, export_type: str = "JSON", path: str = "." ) -> (int, str): """ Download file with export snapshot in provided format ---------- Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports() export_type: str Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in <a href=""> the Label Studio converter code</a>. path: str Default path to store downloaded files Returns ------- Status code for operation and downloaded filename """ response = self.make_request( "GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}/download?exportType={export_type}", ) filename = None if response.status_code == 200: content_disposition = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition") if content_disposition: filename = content_disposition.split("filename=")[-1].strip("\"'") filename = os.path.basename(filename) else: raise LabelStudioException("No filename in response") with open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") as f: for chk in response: f.write(chk) return response.status_code, filename
def export_snapshot_list(self) ‑> list
Get List Of Export Snapshots For The Current Project
- List of dict with export snapshots with status:
- Export ID
- Creation time
- Export status
- User data
- Finished time
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def export_snapshot_list(self) -> list: """ Get list of export snapshots for the current project ------- Returns ------- list[dict] List of dict with export snapshots with status: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str Export status created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports") return response.json()
def export_snapshot_status(self, export_id: int) ‑> ExportSnapshotStatus
Get Export Snapshot Status By Export Id
- Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports()
ExportSnapshotStatus.response is dict and contains the following fields:
- Export ID
- Creation time
- created, completed, in_progress, failed
- User data
- Finished time
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def export_snapshot_status(self, export_id: int) -> ExportSnapshotStatus: """ Get export snapshot status by Export ID ---------- Parameters ---------- export_id: int Existing Export ID from current project. Can be referred as id from self.exports() Returns ------- `label_studio_sdk.project.ExportSnapshotStatus` ExportSnapshotStatus.response is dict and contains the following fields: id: int Export ID created_at: str Creation time status: str created, completed, in_progress, failed created_by: dict User data finished_at: str Finished time """ response = self.make_request( "GET", f"/api/projects/{}/exports/{export_id}" ) return ExportSnapshotStatus(response.json())
def export_tasks(self, export_type: str = 'JSON', download_all_tasks: bool = False, download_resources: bool = False, ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, export_location: Optional[str] = None) ‑> Union[list, pathlib.Path]
Export annotated tasks.
- Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in the Label Studio converter code.
- Default download_all_tasks is False. If true, download all tasks regardless of status. If false, download only annotated tasks.
- Default download_resources is False. If true, download all resource files such as images, audio, and others relevant to the tasks.
- Optional, specify a list of task IDs to retrieve only the details for those tasks.
- Optional, specify a location to save the export to, this is mandatory for the YOLO export. A pathlib.Path object will be returned instead of the deserialized json.
ofdicts if export_location is None
- Tasks with annotations
pathlib.Path if export_location is not None
- Path to the export
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def export_tasks( self, export_type: str = "JSON", download_all_tasks: bool = False, download_resources: bool = False, ids: Optional[List[int]] = None, export_location: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[list, pathlib.Path]: """Export annotated tasks. Parameters ---------- export_type: string Default export_type is JSON. Specify another format type as referenced in <a href=""> the Label Studio converter code</a>. download_all_tasks: bool Default download_all_tasks is False. If true, download all tasks regardless of status. If false, download only annotated tasks. download_resources: bool Default download_resources is False. If true, download all resource files such as images, audio, and others relevant to the tasks. ids: list of ints Optional, specify a list of task IDs to retrieve only the details for those tasks. export_location: str or path Optional, specify a location to save the export to, this is mandatory for the YOLO export. A pathlib.Path object will be returned instead of the deserialized json. Returns ------- list of dicts if export_location is None Tasks with annotations pathlib.Path if export_location is not None Path to the export """ params = { "exportType": export_type, "download_all_tasks": download_all_tasks, "download_resources": download_resources, } if ids: params["ids"] = ids response = self.make_request( method="GET", url=f"/api/projects/{}/export", params=params ) if export_location is None: if "JSON" not in export_type.upper(): raise ValueError( f"{export_type} export type requires an export location to be specified" ) return response.json() export_path = pathlib.Path(export_location) # ensure that parent location exists even if it is in some subdirectory export_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(export_path, "wb") as out_file: for chunk in response.iter_content( chunk_size=1024 ): # 1 kib seems reasonable out_file.write(chunk) return export_path
def get_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) ‑> dict
Retrieve a specific annotation for a task using the annotation ID.
- A unique integer value identifying this annotation.
- Retreived annotation object
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def get_annotation(self, annotation_id: int) -> dict: """Retrieve a specific annotation for a task using the annotation ID. Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int A unique integer value identifying this annotation. Returns ---------- dict Retreived annotation object """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}") response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
def get_export_storages(self)
Get Export (Target) Cloud Storage.
- List of dicts with target storages
Each dict consists
ofthese fields:
- A unique integer value identifying this storage.
- The type of the storage. Default is "s3".
- Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True.
- The last sync finished time. Can be None.
- The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None.
- The last sync job ID. Can be None.
- The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed".
- The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None.
- Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None.
- The title of the cloud storage. Can be None.
- The description of the cloud storage. Can be None.
- The creation time of the storage.
- Deletion from storage enabled. Can be None.
- The S3 bucket name. Can be None.
- The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None.
- The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None.
- Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs.
- The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None.
- The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None.
- The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None.
- The AWS Region. Can be None.
- The S3 Endpoint. Can be None.
- A unique integer value identifying this project.
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def get_export_storages(self): """Get Export (Target) Cloud Storage. Returns ------- list of dicts: List of dicts with target storages ------- Each dict consists of these fields: id : int A unique integer value identifying this storage. type : str The type of the storage. Default is "s3". synchronizable : bool Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True. last_sync : str or None The last sync finished time. Can be None. last_sync_count : int or None The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None. last_sync_job : str or None The last sync job ID. Can be None. status : str The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed". traceback : str or None The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None. meta : dict or None Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None. title : str or None The title of the cloud storage. Can be None. description : str or None The description of the cloud storage. Can be None. created_at : str The creation time of the storage. can_delete_objects : bool or None Deletion from storage enabled. Can be None. bucket : str or None The S3 bucket name. Can be None. prefix : str or None The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None. regex_filter : str or None The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None. use_blob_urls : bool Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs. aws_access_key_id : str or None The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None. aws_secret_access_key : str or None The AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Can be None. aws_session_token : str or None The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None. aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None. region_name : str or None The AWS Region. Can be None. s3_endpoint : str or None The S3 Endpoint. Can be None. project : int A unique integer value identifying this project. """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/export?project={}") return response.json()
def get_files_from_tasks(self, tasks: Dict, get_tasks: bool = False)
Copy files from tasks to cache folder
- Tasks to download to local storage
Get all tasks from current project
- List of filenames
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def get_files_from_tasks(self, tasks: Dict, get_tasks: bool = False): """Copy files from tasks to cache folder Parameters ---------- tasks: Dict Tasks to download to local storage get_tasks: bool Get all tasks from current project Returns ------- list List of filenames """ if get_tasks: tasks = self.get_tasks() filenames = [] if tasks: for task in tasks: for key in task["data"]: try: filename = get_local_path( task["data"][key], access_token=self.api_key, hostname=self.url, ) filenames.append(filename) except (FileNotFoundError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema, IOError): logger.debug(f"Couldn't copy file {task['data'][key]}.") return filenames
def get_import_storages(self)
Get Import (Source) Cloud Storage.
- List of dicts with source storages, each dict consists of these fields:
Each dict consists
ofthese fields:
- A unique integer value identifying this storage.
- The type of the storage. Default is "s3".
- Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True.
- Indicates if the storage is presign. Default is True.
- The last sync finished time. Can be None.
- The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None.
- The last sync job ID. Can be None.
- The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed".
- The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None.
- Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None.
- The title of the cloud storage. Can be None.
- The description of the cloud storage. Can be None.
- The creation time of the storage.
- The S3 bucket name. Can be None.
- The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None.
- The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None.
- Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs.
- The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None.
- The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None.
- The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None.
- The AWS Region. Can be None.
- The S3 Endpoint. Can be None.
- The presigned URLs TTL (in minutes).
- Indicates if a recursive scan over the bucket content is performed.
- The glob pattern for syncing from bucket. Can be None.
- Flag indicating if the dataset has been previously synced or not.
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def get_import_storages(self): """Get Import (Source) Cloud Storage. Returns ------- list of dicts: List of dicts with source storages, each dict consists of these fields: ------- Each dict consists of these fields: id : int A unique integer value identifying this storage. type : str The type of the storage. Default is "s3". synchronizable : bool Indicates if the storage is synchronizable. Default is True. presign : bool Indicates if the storage is presign. Default is True. last_sync : str or None The last sync finished time. Can be None. last_sync_count : int or None The count of tasks synced last time. Can be None. last_sync_job : str or None The last sync job ID. Can be None. status : str The status of the storage. Can be one of "initialized", "queued", "in_progress", "failed", "completed". traceback : str or None The traceback report for the last failed sync. Can be None. meta : dict or None Meta and debug information about storage processes. Can be None. title : str or None The title of the cloud storage. Can be None. description : str or None The description of the cloud storage. Can be None. created_at : str The creation time of the storage. bucket : str or None The S3 bucket name. Can be None. prefix : str or None The S3 bucket prefix. Can be None. regex_filter : str or None The cloud storage regex for filtering objects. Can be None. use_blob_urls : bool Indicates if objects are interpreted as BLOBs and generate URLs. aws_access_key_id : str or None The AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Can be None. aws_secret_access_key : str or None The AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Can be None. aws_session_token : str or None The AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. Can be None. aws_sse_kms_key_id : str or None The AWS SSE KMS Key ID. Can be None. region_name : str or None The AWS Region. Can be None. s3_endpoint : str or None The S3 Endpoint. Can be None. presign_ttl : int The presigned URLs TTL (in minutes). recursive_scan : bool Indicates if a recursive scan over the bucket content is performed. glob_pattern : str or None The glob pattern for syncing from bucket. Can be None. synced : bool Flag indicating if the dataset has been previously synced or not. """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/storages/?project={}") return response.json()
def get_labeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False)
Retrieve all tasks that have been completed, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created
- Return only task IDs.
- List of task dicts, the same as in
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def get_labeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False): """Retrieve all tasks that have been completed, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created Parameters ---------- only_ids: bool Return only task IDs. Returns ------- list List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`. """ return self.get_tasks( filters={ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at", "operator": "empty", "value": False, "type": "Datetime", } ], }, only_ids=only_ids, )
def get_labeled_tasks_ids(self)
Retrieve all task IDs for completed tasks, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created
- List of task IDs
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def get_labeled_tasks_ids(self): """Retrieve all task IDs for completed tasks, i.e. where requested number of annotations have been created Returns ------- list List of task IDs """ return self.get_labeled_tasks(only_ids=True)
def get_members(self)
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def get_members(self): """Get members from this project. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- list of `label_studio_sdk.users.User` """ from .users import User assert self.is_enterprise, ( "Project members are available in the Enterprise edition of Label Studio only. " "Use get_users() instead." ) response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/members") users = [] for user_data in response.json(): user_data["client"] = self users.append(User(**user_data)) return users
def get_model_versions(self)
Get the list of available ML model versions from pre-annotations or connected ML backends.
- Model versions
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def get_model_versions(self): """Get the list of available ML model versions from pre-annotations or connected ML backends. Returns ------- list of strings Model versions """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}/model-versions") return response.json()
def get_paginated_tasks(self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 100, only_ids: bool = False, resolve_uri: bool = True)
Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID. For non-existent pages it returns 404 error.
- JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use
helper to create it. Example:{ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] }
- List with one string representing Data Manager ordering.
helper class. Example:[Column.total_annotations]
,['-' + Column.total_annotations]
- inverted order view_id
- View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items
- Task IDs
- Page. Default is 1.
- Page size. Default is 100, to retrieve all tasks in the project you can use get_tasks().
- If true, return only task IDs
- Resolve pre-sign urls to https links
- Example:
{ "tasks": [{...}], "total_annotations": 50, "total_predictions": 100, "total": 100 }
- Tasks with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager
- Total number of tasks in filtered result
- Total number of annotations in filtered tasks
- Total number of predictions in filtered tasks
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def get_paginated_tasks( self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 100, only_ids: bool = False, resolve_uri: bool = True, ): """Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID. For non-existent pages it returns 404 error. Parameters ---------- filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()` helper to create it. Example: { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order view_id: int View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items selected_ids: list of ints Task IDs page: int Page. Default is 1. page_size: int Page size. Default is 100, to retrieve all tasks in the project you can use get_tasks(). only_ids: bool If true, return only task IDs resolve_uri: bool Resolve pre-sign urls to https links Returns ------- dict Example: { "tasks": [{...}], "total_annotations": 50, "total_predictions": 100, "total": 100 } tasks: list of dicts Tasks with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager total: int Total number of tasks in filtered result total_annotations: int Total number of annotations in filtered tasks total_predictions: int Total number of predictions in filtered tasks """ query = { "filters": filters, "ordering": ordering or [], "selectedItems": ( {"all": False, "included": selected_ids} if selected_ids else {"all": True, "excluded": []} ), } params = { "project":, "page": page, "page_size": page_size, "view": view_id, "query": json.dumps(query), "fields": "all", "resolve_uri": resolve_uri, } if only_ids: params["include"] = "id" response = self.make_request( "GET", "/api/tasks", params, raise_exceptions=False ) # we'll get 404 from API on empty page if response.status_code == 404: return {"tasks": [], "end_pagination": True} elif response.status_code != 200: self.log_response_error(response) try: response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: raise LabelStudioException(f"Error loading tasks: {e}") data = response.json() tasks = data["tasks"] if only_ids: data["tasks"] = [task["id"] for task in tasks] return data
def get_paginated_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs)
Same as
but returns only task IDs.source code Browse git
def get_paginated_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs): """Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_paginated_tasks()` but returns only task IDs. """ kwargs["only_ids"] = True return self.get_paginated_tasks(*args, **kwargs)
def get_params(self)
Get all available project parameters.
- containing all following params:
- Project name.
- Project description
- Label config in XML format.
- Labeling instructions in HTML format
- Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start
- Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task
- Allow annotators to submit empty annotations
- Show annotation history to annotator
- Organization ID
- Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI
- Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only)
- Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only)
- Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations
- Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only)
- Details about the user that created the project
- Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started
- Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model
- Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling"
- Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only)
- Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only)
- Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only)
- User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
- Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
- Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only)
- Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task
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def get_params(self): """Get all available project parameters. Returns -------- dict containing all following params: title: str Project name. description: str Project description label_config: str Label config in XML format. expert_instruction: str Labeling instructions in HTML format show_instruction: bool Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start show_skip_button: bool Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task enable_empty_annotation: bool Allow annotators to submit empty annotations show_annotation_history: bool Show annotation history to annotator organization: int Organization ID color: str Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI maximum_annotations: int Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only) is_published: bool Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only) model_version: str Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations is_draft: bool Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only) created_by: object Details about the user that created the project min_annotations_to_start_training: int Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started show_collab_predictions: bool Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model sampling: str Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling" show_ground_truth_first: bool Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only) show_overlap_first: bool Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only) overlap_cohort_percentage: int Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only) task_data_login: str User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) task_data_password: str Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) control_weights: object Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only) evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/projects/{}") return response.json()
def get_predictions_conflict(self)
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def get_predictions_conflict(self): raise NotImplementedError
def get_predictions_coverage(self)
Prediction coverage stats for all model versions for the project.
{ "2021-01-01": 0.9, "2021-02-01": 0.7 }
means that 90% of project tasks is covered by predictions with model_version"2021-01-01"
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def get_predictions_coverage(self): """Prediction coverage stats for all model versions for the project. Returns ------- dict Example: { "2021-01-01": 0.9, "2021-02-01": 0.7 } `0.9` means that 90% of project tasks is covered by predictions with model_version `"2021-01-01"` """ model_versions = self.get_model_versions() params = self.get_params() tasks_number = params["task_number"] coverage = { model_version: count / tasks_number for model_version, count in model_versions.items() } return coverage
def get_predictions_precision(self)
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def get_predictions_precision(self): raise NotImplementedError
def get_task(self, task_id)
Get specific task by ID.
- Task ID you want to retrieve
- dict of task data containing all initial data and annotation results in Label Studio JSON format
id: int Task ID predictions: dict Predictions object annotations: dict Annotations object drafts: dict Drafts object data: object User imported or uploaded data for a task. Data is formatted according to the project label config. meta: object Meta is user imported (uploaded) data and can be useful as input for an ML Backend for embeddings, advanced vectors, and other info. It is passed to ML during training/predicting steps. (Deprecated) created_at: str Date time string representing the time a task was created. updated_at: str Date time string representing the last time a task was updated. is_labeled: bool True if the number of annotations for this task is greater than or equal to the number of maximum_completions for the project. overlap: int Number of distinct annotators that processed the current task. project: int Project ID for this task file_upload: str Uploaded file used as data source for this task
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def get_task(self, task_id): """Get specific task by ID. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to retrieve Returns ------- dict: dict of task data containing all initial data and annotation results in [Label Studio JSON format]( ``` id: int Task ID predictions: dict Predictions object annotations: dict Annotations object drafts: dict Drafts object data: object User imported or uploaded data for a task. Data is formatted according to the project label config. meta: object Meta is user imported (uploaded) data and can be useful as input for an ML Backend for embeddings, advanced vectors, and other info. It is passed to ML during training/predicting steps. (Deprecated) created_at: str Date time string representing the time a task was created. updated_at: str Date time string representing the last time a task was updated. is_labeled: bool True if the number of annotations for this task is greater than or equal to the number of maximum_completions for the project. overlap: int Number of distinct annotators that processed the current task. project: int Project ID for this task file_upload: str Uploaded file used as data source for this task ``` """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}") return response.json()
def get_tasks(self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, only_ids: bool = False)
Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID.
- JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use
helper to create it. Example:
{ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] }
- List with one string representing Data Manager ordering.
helper class. Example:[Column.total_annotations]
,['-' + Column.total_annotations]
- inverted order view_id
- View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items
- Task IDs
- If true, return only task IDs
- Task list with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager
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def get_tasks( self, filters=None, ordering=None, view_id=None, selected_ids=None, only_ids: bool = False, ): """Retrieve a subset of tasks from the Data Manager based on a filter, ordering mechanism, or a predefined view ID. Parameters ---------- filters: label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create() JSON objects representing Data Manager filters. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Filters.create()` helper to create it. Example: ```json { "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:id", "operator": "equal", "type": "Number", "value": 1 } ] } ``` ordering: list of label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column List with <b>one</b> string representing Data Manager ordering. Use `label_studio_sdk.data_manager.Column` helper class. Example: ```[Column.total_annotations]```, ```['-' + Column.total_annotations]``` - inverted order view_id: int View ID, visible as a Data Manager tab, for which to retrieve filters, ordering, and selected items selected_ids: list of ints Task IDs only_ids: bool If true, return only task IDs Returns ------- list Task list with task data, annotations, predictions and other fields from the Data Manager """ page = 1 result = [] data = {} while not data.get("end_pagination"): try: data = self.get_paginated_tasks( filters=filters, ordering=ordering, view_id=view_id, selected_ids=selected_ids, only_ids=only_ids, page=page, page_size=100, ) result += data["tasks"] page += 1 except LabelStudioException as e: logger.debug(f"Error during pagination: {e}") break return result
def get_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs)
Same as
but returns only task IDs.source code Browse git
def get_tasks_ids(self, *args, **kwargs): """Same as `label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_tasks()` but returns only task IDs.""" kwargs["only_ids"] = True return self.get_tasks(*args, **kwargs)
def get_unlabeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False)
Retrieve all tasks that are not completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings.
- Return only task IDs
- List of task dicts, the same as in
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def get_unlabeled_tasks(self, only_ids=False): """Retrieve all tasks that are <b>not</b> completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings. Parameters ---------- only_ids: bool Return only task IDs Returns ------- list List of task dicts, the same as in `get_tasks`. """ return self.get_tasks( filters={ "conjunction": "and", "items": [ { "filter": "filter:tasks:completed_at", "operator": "empty", "value": True, "type": "Datetime", } ], }, only_ids=only_ids, )
def get_unlabeled_tasks_ids(self)
Retrieve all task IDs for tasks that are not completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings.
- List of task IDs
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def get_unlabeled_tasks_ids(self): """Retrieve all task IDs for tasks that are <b>not</b> completed. If using Label Studio Enterprise, this can include tasks that have been labeled one or more times, but not the full number of times defined in the project labeling settings. Returns ------- list List of task IDs """ return self.get_unlabeled_tasks(only_ids=True)
def get_views(self)
Get all views related to the project
- List of view dicts
The each dict contains the following fields:
- View ID
- Project ID
- User ID who created this tab
- Filters, orderings and other visual settings
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def get_views(self): """Get all views related to the project Returns ------- list List of view dicts The each dict contains the following fields: id: int View ID project: int Project ID user: int User ID who created this tab data: dict Filters, orderings and other visual settings """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/dm/views?project={}") return response.json()
def import_tasks(self, tasks, preannotated_from_fields: List = None)
Import JSON-formatted labeling tasks. Tasks can be unlabeled or contain predictions.
ofdicts | dict | path to file
- Tasks in Label Studio JSON format
- Turns flat task JSON formatted like:
{"column1": value, "column2": value}
into Label Studio prediction data format:{"data": {"column1"..}, "predictions": [{..."column2"}]
Useful when all your data is stored in tabular format with one column dedicated to model predictions.
- Imported task IDs
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def import_tasks(self, tasks, preannotated_from_fields: List = None): """Import JSON-formatted labeling tasks. Tasks can be unlabeled or contain predictions. Parameters ---------- tasks: list of dicts | dict | path to file Tasks in <a href=""> Label Studio JSON format</a> preannotated_from_fields: list of strings Turns flat task JSON formatted like: `{"column1": value, "column2": value}` into Label Studio prediction data format: `{"data": {"column1"..}, "predictions": [{..."column2"}]` Useful when all your data is stored in tabular format with one column dedicated to model predictions. Returns ------- list of int Imported task IDs """ params = {"return_task_ids": "1"} if preannotated_from_fields: params["preannotated_from_fields"] = ",".join(preannotated_from_fields) if isinstance(tasks, (list, dict)): response = self.make_request( method="POST", url=f"/api/projects/{}/import", json=tasks, params=params, timeout=(10, 600), ) elif isinstance(tasks, (str, Path)): # try import from file if not os.path.isfile(tasks): raise LabelStudioException(f"Not found import tasks file {tasks}") with open(tasks, mode="rb") as f: response = self.make_request( method="POST", url=f"/api/projects/{}/import", files={"file": f}, params=params, timeout=(10, 600), ) else: raise TypeError( f'Not supported type provided as "tasks" argument: {type(tasks)}' ) response = response.json() if "import" in response: # check import status timeout = 300 fibonacci_backoff = [1, 1] start_time = time.time() while True: import_status = self.make_request( method="GET", url=f'/api/projects/{}/imports/{response["import"]}', ).json() if import_status["status"] == "completed": return import_status["task_ids"] if import_status["status"] == "failed": raise LabelStudioException(import_status["error"]) if time.time() - start_time >= timeout: raise LabelStudioException("Import timeout") time.sleep(fibonacci_backoff[0]) fibonacci_backoff = [ fibonacci_backoff[1], fibonacci_backoff[0] + fibonacci_backoff[1], ] return response["task_ids"]
def list_annotations(self, task_id: int) ‑> List
List all annotations for a task.
- Task ID
- List of annotations objects
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def list_annotations(self, task_id: int) -> List: """List all annotations for a task. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID Returns ------- list of dict: List of annotations objects """ response = self.make_request("GET", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}/annotations") response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
def set_model_version(self, model_version: str)
Set the current model version to use for displaying predictions to annotators, perform uncertainty sampling and annotation evaluations in Label Studio Enterprise, and other operations.
- It can be any string you want
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def set_model_version(self, model_version: str): """Set the current model version to use for displaying predictions to annotators, perform uncertainty sampling and annotation evaluations in Label Studio Enterprise, and other operations. Parameters ---------- model_version: string It can be any string you want """ self.set_params(model_version=model_version)
def set_params(self, **kwargs)
Low level function to set project parameters.
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def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Low level function to set project parameters.""" response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/projects/{}", json=kwargs) assert response.status_code == 200
def set_published(self, is_published: bool)
Set the project publication state. (Enterprise only)
- Project publication state for reviewers and annotators
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def set_published(self, is_published: bool): """Set the project publication state. (Enterprise only) Parameters ---------- is_published: bool Project publication state for reviewers and annotators """ self.set_params(is_published=is_published)
def set_sampling(self, sampling: ProjectSampling)
Set the project sampling method for the labeling stream.
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def set_sampling(self, sampling: ProjectSampling): """Set the project sampling method for the labeling stream.""" self.set_params(sampling=sampling.value)
def start_project(self, **kwargs)
Create a new labeling project in Label Studio.
- Project name.
- Project description
- Label config in XML format.
- Labeling instructions in HTML format
- Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start
- Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task
- Allow annotators to submit empty annotations
- Show annotation history to annotator
- Organization ID
- Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI
- Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only)
- Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only)
- Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations
- Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only)
- Details about the user that created the project
- Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started
- Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model
- Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling"
- Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only)
- Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only)
- Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only)
- User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
- Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only)
- Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only)
- Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task
Raises LabelStudioException in case of errors.
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def start_project(self, **kwargs): """Create a new labeling project in Label Studio. Parameters ---------- title: str Project name. description: str Project description label_config: str Label config in XML format. expert_instruction: str Labeling instructions in HTML format show_instruction: bool Whether to display instructions to annotators before they start show_skip_button: bool Whether to show a skip button in the Label Studio UI and let annotators skip the task enable_empty_annotation: bool Allow annotators to submit empty annotations show_annotation_history: bool Show annotation history to annotator organization: int Organization ID color: str Color to decorate the project card in the Label Studio UI maximum_annotations: int Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is finished and is_labeled=True is set. (Enterprise only) is_published: bool Whether or not the project is published to annotators (Enterprise only) model_version: str Machine learning model version for predictions or pre-annotations is_draft: bool Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created (Enterprise only) created_by: object Details about the user that created the project min_annotations_to_start_training: int Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started show_collab_predictions: bool Whether to show model predictions to the annotator, allowing them to collaborate with the ML model sampling: str Type of sampling to use for task labeling. Uncertainty sampling is Enterprise only. Enum: "Sequential sampling" "Uniform sampling" "Uncertainty sampling" show_ground_truth_first: bool Whether to show tasks with ground truth annotations first (Enterprise only) show_overlap_first: bool Whether to show tasks with overlap first (Enterprise only) overlap_cohort_percentage: int Percentage of tasks that must be annotated multiple times. (Enterprise only) task_data_login: str User credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) task_data_password: str Password credentials for accessing task data. (Enterprise only) control_weights: object Weights for control tags used when calculating agreement metrics. (Enterprise only) evaluate_predictions_automatically: bool Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task Raises LabelStudioException in case of errors. """ response = self.make_request("POST", "/api/projects", json=kwargs) if response.status_code == 201: self.params = response.json() else: raise LabelStudioException("Project not created")
def sync_export_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id)
Synchronize Export (Target) Cloud Storage.
- Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types.
- Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_export_storages() to get ids.
- containing the same fields as in the original storage request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
other fields:
- See more
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def sync_export_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id): """Synchronize Export (Target) Cloud Storage. Parameters ---------- storage_type: string Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types. storage_id: int Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_export_storages() to get ids. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the original storage request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time other fields: See more """ response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/export/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync" ) return response.json()
def sync_import_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id)
Synchronize Import (Source) Cloud Storage.
- Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types.
- Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_import_storages() to get ids.
- containing the same fields as in the original storage request and:
- Storage ID
- Type of storage
- Creation time
- Time last sync finished, can be empty.
- Number of tasks synced in the last sync
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def sync_import_storage(self, storage_type, storage_id): """Synchronize Import (Source) Cloud Storage. Parameters ---------- storage_type: string Specify the type of the storage container. See ProjectStorage for available types. storage_id: int Specify the storage ID of the storage container. See get_import_storages() to get ids. Returns ------- dict: containing the same fields as in the original storage request and: id: int Storage ID type: str Type of storage created_at: str Creation time last_sync: str Time last sync finished, can be empty. last_sync_count: int Number of tasks synced in the last sync """ # originally syn was implemented in Client class, keep it for compatibility response = self.make_request( "POST", f"/api/storages/{storage_type}/{str(storage_id)}/sync" ) return response.json()
def update_annotation(self, annotation_id, **kwargs)
Update specific annotation with new annotation parameters, e.g.
project.update_annotation(annotation_id=123, ground_truth=True)
- Existing annotation ID from current project. Could be retrieved from
response kwargs
:kwargs parameters
- List of annotation parameters. Check all available parameters here
- Dict with updated annotation
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def update_annotation(self, annotation_id, **kwargs): """Update specific annotation with new annotation parameters, e.g. ``` project.update_annotation(annotation_id=123, ground_truth=True) ``` Parameters ---------- annotation_id: int Existing annotation ID from current project. Could be retrieved from `project.get_tasks()` response kwargs: kwargs parameters List of annotation parameters. Check all available parameters [here]( Returns ------- dict Dict with updated annotation """ response = self.make_request( "PATCH", f"/api/annotations/{annotation_id}", json=kwargs ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
def update_params(self)
Get all available project parameters and cache them.
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def update_params(self): """Get [all available project parameters](#label_studio_sdk.project.Project.get_params) and cache them.""" self.params = self.get_params()
def update_task(self, task_id, **kwargs)
Update specific task by ID.
- Task ID you want to update
:kwargs parameters
- List of parameters to update. Check all available parameters here
- Dict with updated task
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def update_task(self, task_id, **kwargs): """Update specific task by ID. Parameters ---------- task_id: int Task ID you want to update kwargs: kwargs parameters List of parameters to update. Check all available parameters [here]( Returns ------- dict: Dict with updated task """ response = self.make_request("PATCH", f"/api/tasks/{task_id}", json=kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
class ProjectSampling (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Enumerate the available task sampling modes for labeling.
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class ProjectSampling(Enum): """Enumerate the available task sampling modes for labeling.""" RANDOM = "Uniform sampling" """ Uniform random sampling of tasks """ SEQUENCE = "Sequential sampling" """ Sequential sampling of tasks using task IDs """ UNCERTAINTY = "Uncertainty sampling" """ Sample tasks based on prediction scores, such as for active learning (Enterprise only)"""
Uniform random sampling of tasks
Sequential sampling of tasks using task IDs
Sample tasks based on prediction scores, such as for active learning (Enterprise only)
class ProjectStorage (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Enumerate the available types of external source and target storage for labeling projects.
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class ProjectStorage(Enum): """Enumerate the available types of external source and target storage for labeling projects.""" GOOGLE = "gcs" """ Google Cloud Storage """ S3 = "s3" """ Amazon S3 Storage """ AZURE = "azure_blob" """ Microsoft Azure Blob Storage """ LOCAL = "localfiles" """ Label Studio Local File Storage """ REDIS = "redis" """ Redis Storage """ S3_SECURED = "s3s" """ Amazon S3 Storage secured by IAM roles (Enterprise only) """
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Google Cloud Storage
Label Studio Local File Storage
Redis Storage
Amazon S3 Storage
Amazon S3 Storage secured by IAM roles (Enterprise only)