NEW10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS

Announcing Label Studio 1.16.0

Release notes

We’re excited to announce the 1.16.0 release of Label Studio! In this release we have included a number of awesome new features, some critical security updates, and other improvements and bug fixes. You can check out the full release notes here.

Let’s get into what’s in this release:

Use Taxonomy for Labeling

There is a new labeling parameter available for the Taxonomy tag. When set to true, you can apply your Taxonomy classes to different regions in text. For more information, see Taxonomy as a labeling tool.

Grid View Data Preview for Images

You can now click images in the Grid view in the Data Manager to open them and zoom in for closer inspection. This enhancement includes several hotkeys for navigating between tasks.

Display the Prediction Score in the Labeling Interface

When you have annotations generated by predictions (pre-annotations), you will now see the prediction score (also known as the "confidence score") under the model name in the labeling interface tabs.

Usability Improvements for Relations

We’ve made a number of improvements to relations such as including a numerical identifier in the Relations panel to distinguish between regions that have the same label.

We have also improved the the visibility of relation value descriptions (a feature available when using the <Relation> tag).

In the past, it could be difficult to read these values when there were several overlapping relations and regions. With this release, the text value for the relation is pulled forward into focus when you hover.

New Hotkey for Audio Labeling

There is a new hotkey available for pausing and starting audio: ctrl+p (Windows) or command+p (Mac). This is in addition to the space hotkey that performs the same function.

Critical Security Updates

We've included a number of critical security updates in this release, and we strongly encourage all our users to upgrade to 1.16.0 as soon as possible to mitigate any risk:

  • Image file paths are restricted as to prevent arbitrary path traversal.
  • Only recognized S3 endpoints from a list of known S3 API providers will return full exceptions when an HTTP call is submitted.
  • As an XSS prevention measure, /projects/upload-example no longer accepts GET requests.
  • Updated Iodash to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Updated the default settings for CSRF cookie to be more secure and added an environment setting to control cookie age.

Breaking Changes

We also have a few breaking changes in this release:

  • Django 5 upgrade: This release includes an upgrade to Django 5. As part of this change, Label Studio now requires PostgreSQL version 13+.
  • Exports with images: The behavior when exporting data in YOLO, YOLO_OBB, or COCO format has changed. This applies to both the app and the API.

And of course we’ve also squashed a number of bugs and made some performance improvements that should make Label Studio even comfier to use.

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