NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS

Frontend builds


As of Label Studio 1.11.0, the Label Studio frontend has been deprecated as a separate library and is no longer supported as a standalone distribution. For information about using the frontend library within Label Studio, see the README.

The Label Studio Frontend (LSF) is the main labeling interface distributed within Label Studio and as a separate package via NPM and Unpkg. You can integrate the LSF into your projects without Label Studio to provide data labeling capabilities to your users.

LSF can be customized and extended to fit your needs, and you can use a custom version of LSF standalone or in your LS installation. For more information see Custom LSF + LS integration.

LSF is located as a separate GitHub repository:

Figure 1: Label Studio Frontend


There are two ways to install the LSF as follows:

  1. Using the package manager
  2. Using the Unpkg CDN

You can either use npm or yarn to install the LSF.

npm install heartexlabs@label-studio@latest --save
yarn add heartexlabs@label-studio@latest

Using CDN

<!-- Include Label Studio stylesheet -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Include the Label Studio library -->
<script src=""></script>

Frontend integration guide

The LSF can be used with Vanilla JS or with the framework of your choice. The following examples cover basic integration with Vanilla and React.

Vanilla JS integration

You can use the Label Studio Frontend separately in your own projects by including it in your HTML page. Instantiate a new Label Studio object with a selector for the div that should become the editor.

To see all the available options for the initialization of LabelStudio object, see the Label Studio Frontend.

Using modern JS techniques (recommended)

This guide assumes that you’re using a bundler like Webpack or Rollup to assemble your JS bundles, and LSF is installed via a package manager.

In your HTML add the following code:

<div id="label-studio"></div>

Now to initialize the Label Studio Frontend, add the following code to your JS file:

import LabelStudio from 'heartexlabs@label-studio@latest';
import 'heartexlabs@label-studio@latest/build/static/css/main.css';

const labelStudio = new LabelStudio('label-studio', {
  config: `
      <Image name="img" value="$image"></Image>
      <RectangleLabels name="tag" toName="img">
        <Label value="Hello"></Label>
        <Label value="World"></Label>
  interfaces: [
  user: {
    pk: 1,
    firstName: "James",
    lastName: "Dean"
  task: {
    annotations: [],
    predictions: [],
    id: 1,
    data: {
      image: ""

labelStudio.on("labelStudioLoad", (LS) => {
  // Perform an action when Label Studio is loaded
  const c = LS.annotationStore.addAnnotation({
    userGenerate: true

labelStudio.on("submitAnnotation", (LS, annotation) => {
  // Retrieve an annotation in JSON format
Using plain HTML and JS

This technique is useful if you’re not using a bundler or if you want to use the LSF in a static HTML page.

<!-- Include Label Studio stylesheet -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<div id="label-studio"></div>

<!-- Include the Label Studio library -->
<script src=""></script>

const root = document.querySelector('#label-studio');
const labelStudio = new LabelStudio(root, {
  // all configuration options are the same

React integration

LSF is flexible and can be used with a framework of choice. This guide covers the React integration but the same principles can be applied to other frameworks.

LSF with React

Prepare new custom component:

// components/LabelStudio.js
import {useRef} from 'react';

const LabelStudioReact = (props) => {
  const labelStudioContainerRef = useRef();
  const labelStudioRef = useRef();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (labelStudioContainerRef.current) {
      labelStudioRef.current = new LabelStudio(
  }, []);

  return (
      ref={function(el) {
        labelStudioContainerRef.current = el

Use the component in your React application

// App.js
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import LabelStudioReact from './components/LabelStudio';

const labelinConfig = `
    <Image name="img" value="$image"></Image>
    <RectangleLabels name="tag" toName="img">
      <Label value="Hello"></Label>
      <Label value="World"></Label>

const task = {
  annotations: [],
  predictions: [],
  id: 1,
  data: {
    image: ""

const App = () => {
  return (
    <div class="app-root">
          pk: 1,
          firstName: "James",
          lastName: "Dean"

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Frontend development

Refer to the Frontend Reference when developing with Label Studio Frontend.

Manual builds

If you want to build a new tag or change the behaviour of default components inside of LSF, then you need to go into the LSF repo and review the Development part of the README file. Making any changes requires that you have a good knowledge of React and <branch-name-from-official-lsf-repo>

GitHub Artifacts

Use GitHub Artifacts to download a zip-formatted archive with LSF builds. Branches from the official LSF repo are built automatically and hosted on GitHub Artifacts.

See the GitHub Actions for the LSF repository to access them.

You can also configure a GitHub token to obtain artifacts automatically:

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>
cd label-studio/frontend
yarn download:lsf <branch-name-from-official-lsf-repo>

Custom LSF in Label Studio

LS Frontend (LSF) with Backend (LSB) integration is similar what is described in the Frontend integration guide. The JavaScript integration script is placed in lsf-sdk.js in the Label Studio Backend. The main idea of this integration based on LSF callbacks.

Check out a quick guide on how to use custom LSF in Label Studio.

Prepare a custom LSF build

  1. Make your custom LSF build by following these instructions.
  2. Finalize your development with npm run build:module to generate main.css and main.js files.
  3. Confirm files appearance in the build/static folder.

Integrate LSF into Label Studio

All frontend-related files are stored under label-studio/frontend directory. You will also find dist/ folder there that contains the latest builds of the external frontend libraries.

Under dist/ folder locate the lsf/ folder and replace its contents with your custom LSF build.


Inside every folder under dist/ you will find a version.json file. Do not modify or remove it. Its presence is required for the Label Studio to operate.

  1. Do not forget to remove the old build from LSB:

    rm -rf label-studio/label_studio/frontend/dist/lsf/{js,css}
  2. Copy build folder from LSF to LS:

    cp -r label-studio-frontend/build/static/{js,css} label-studio/label_studio/frontend/dist/lsf/

    If you installed LS as a pip package, replace <env-path>/lib/python<version>/site-packages/label_studio/frontend/dist/lsf/

  3. Run the LS instance as usual. It is now using the new LSF build:

    label-studio start <your-project>
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