NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS

Frontend reference

Label Studio frontend (LSF) includes several UI options and callbacks that you can use when implementing the frontend with a custom labeling backend, or when customizing the Label Studio interface.


As of Label Studio 1.11.0, the Label Studio frontend has been deprecated as a separate library and is no longer supported as a standalone distribution. For information about using the frontend library within Label Studio, see the README.

Updates to LSF in version 1.0.0


LSF version 1.0.0 is not compatible with earlier versions of Label Studio.

If you use LSF with a custom backend, you must make changes to the API callbacks that you use as follows:

Callback in 0.9.1 and earlier Renamed callback in 1.0.0
onSubmitCompletion onSubmitAnnotation
onUpdateCompletion onUpdateAnnotation
onDeleteCompletion onDeleteAnnotation

If you rely on specific formatting of Label Studio completed tasks, Label Studio’s annotation format has also been updated.

Implement the Label Studio Frontend

var labelStudio = new LabelStudio("editor", options);

The following options are recognized when initializing a Label Studio instance version 1.0.0.



Default: null

Type data: string

XML-based configuration of the labeling interface. This configuration relies on the data field of the task. See Customizable Tags for more information.


Default: null

Type data: array

Collection of UI elements to show. Available interfaces:

  • panel - Enable navigaion panel for the current task with buttons: undo, redo and reset.
  • update - Show a button to update the current task after submitting.
  • submit - Show a button to submit or update the current annotation.
  • skip - Show a button to skip the current task.
  • controls - Enable panel with controls (submit, update, skip).
  • infobar - A show button for information.
  • topbar - A labeling interface that lists the top-level items in the Label Studio UI.
  • instruction - A button for the instructions.
  • side-column - Show a column on the left or right side of the Label Studio UI.
  • annotations:history - A show button for annotation history.
  • annotations:tabs - A show button for annotation tabs.
  • annotations:menu - A show button for the annotation menu.
  • annotations:current - A show button for the current annotation.
  • annotations:add-new - A show button to add new annotations.
  • annotations:delete - A show button to delete the current annotation.
  • annotations:view-all - A show button to view all annotations.
  • predictions:tabs - Show predictions tabs.
  • predictions:menu - Show predictions menu.
  • auto-annotation - Show auto annotations.
  • edit-history - Show edit history.


Default: null

Type data: object

Messaging used for different actions

  DONE: "Done!",
  NO_COMP_LEFT: "No more annotations",
  NO_NEXT_TASK: "No more data available for labeling",
  NO_ACCESS: "You don't have access to this task"
  • DONE - Shown after the task is submitted to the server
  • NO_COMP_LEFT - Shown if there are no more annotations
  • NO_NEXT_TASK - No next task to load
  • NO_ACCESS - Can’t access the provided task


Default: No description

Type data: string

Description of the current task.


Task data

Default: null

Type data: object

  id: 1,
  load: false
  data: {
    text: "Labeling text..."
  annotations: [],
  predictions: [],


Type data: integer

Default: null



Type data: array

Array of annotations. See the annotation documentation for more information.


Type data: array

Array of predictions. Similar structure as completions or annotations. See the annotation documentation and guidance for importing predicted labels for more information.


User data

Type data: object

  "pk": 1,
  "firstName": "Stanley",
  "lastName": "Kubrick"


Type data: number


Type data: string


Type data: string

Event system

LSF has a built-in event system that allows you to listen to events and trigger custom actions. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from event at any time after the Label Studio instance is initialized.

Using events

Subscribe to an event

const callback = () => {
  console.log("Event triggered");
labelStudio.on("event", callback);

Unsubscribe from an event

const callback = () => {
  console.log("Event triggered");
};"event", callback);


To be able to unsubscribe from an event, you must pass the same callback function reference to the off method.

Available events

Top-level events

This events group contains top-level events. Those events are not related to any internal entities of the LSF.


Label Studio instance is loaded.


This event does not work in custom scripts.

Event handler arguments

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio


The internal storage is initialized.


This event does not work in custom scripts.

Event handler arguments

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio

Task events

This events group contains events related to the task.


User clicked the “Skip” button.

Event handler arguments

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
payload Object Additional data sent during the skip action


User clicked the “Cancel Skip” button.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio


User clicked the “Next” (chevron right) button.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
taskId Number? ID of the next task in history
annotationId Number? ID of the annotation to select within the task


User clicked the “Previous” (chevron left) button.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
taskId Number? ID of the previous task in history
annotationId Number? ID of the annotation to select within the task


Draft is sent to the server.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation
params Object? Extra params sent with the draft

Annotation events

This events group contains events related to the annotation.


Annotation is going to be saved as the result of the submit or update action. Returning false from this event will prevent saving the annotation.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation
payload Object Additional information
payload.event string Indicates which event is about to be executed (submitAnnotation, updateAnnotation, etc.)


Annotation is submitted.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation


Annotation is updated.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation


Annotation is selected.

Argument Type Description
annotation Object Current annotation
previousAnnotation Object Previous annotation
payload Object? Additional information
payload.fromViewAll boolean true if ViewAll has just been switched off


Annotation is deleted.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation


Annotation is set as Ground Truth (the star button clicked).

Argument Type Description
store Object Instance of Label Studio
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
params Object
params.isDirty Boolean true if annotation was changed
params.entity Object Current annotation


Step in the annotation history is selected.

Argument Type Description
labelStudio Object Instance of Label Studio
annotation Object Current annotation
historyItem Object Current history item

Region events

This events group contains events related to the regions. Regions are the special entities used in segmentation tasks like image segmentation, audio segmentation, etc.


Region is created.

Argument Type Description
region Object Newly created region


Region is deleted.

Argument Type Description
region Object Newly created region
Callbacks (deprecated)

Callbacks can be used to execute actions based on user interaction with the interface. For example, label-studio server uses callbacks to communicate with an API. Pass them along with other options when initiating the instance.


Type data: function

Called when the submit button is pressed. ls is label studio instance, annotation is the value of the current annotation.


onSubmitAnnotation: function(ls, annotation) {


Type data: function

Called when the update button is pressed. ls is label studio instance, annotation is the value of the current annotation.


onUpdateAnnotation: function(ls, annotation) {


Type data: function

Called when the delete button is pressed. ls is label studio instance, annotation is value of current annotation.


onDeleteAnnotation: function(ls, annotation) {


Type data: function

Called when a new region gets labeled, for example, a new bbox is created. region is the object that was created.


onEntityCreate: function(region) {


Type data: function

Called when an existing region gets deleted. region is the object itself.


onEntityDelete: function(region) {


Type data: function

Called when the skip button is pressed. ls is label studio instance.


onSkipTask: function(ls) {


Type data: function

Called when Label Studio has fully loaded and is ready for labeling. ls is the label studio instance


onLabelStudioLoad: function(ls) {