NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The Number tag supports numeric classification. Use to classify tasks using numbers.

Use with the following data types: audio, image, HTML, paragraphs, text, time series, video


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
toName string Name of the element that you want to label
[min] number Minimum number value
[max] number Maximum number value
[step] number 1 Step for value increment/decrement
[defaultValue] number Default number value; will be added automatically to result for required fields
[hotkey] string Hotkey for increasing number value
[required] boolean false Whether number is required or not
[requiredMessage] string Message to show if validation fails
[perRegion] boolean Use this tag to classify specific regions instead of the whole object
[perItem] boolean Use this tag to classify specific items inside the object instead of the whole object
[slider] boolean false Use slider look instead of input; use min and max to add your constraints


Basic labeling configuration for numeric classification of text

  <Text name="txt" value="$text" />
  <Number name="number" toName="txt" max="10" />

In this article

  1. Parameters
  2. Example
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