NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The Polygon tag is used to add polygons to an image without selecting a label. This can be useful when you have only one label to assign to the polygon. Use for image segmentation tasks.

Use with the following data types: image.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of tag
toname string Name of image to label
[opacity] number 0.6 Opacity of polygon
[fillColor] string "transparent" Polygon fill color in hexadecimal or HTML color name
[strokeColor] string "#f48a42" Stroke color in hexadecimal
[strokeWidth] number 3 Width of stroke
[pointSize] small | medium | large small Size of polygon handle points
[pointStyle] rectangle | circle circle Style of points
[smart] boolean Show smart tool for interactive pre-annotations
[smartOnly] boolean Only show smart tool for interactive pre-annotations
[snap] pixel | none none Snap polygon to image pixels


Basic labeling configuration for polygonal image segmentation

  <Polygon name="rect-1" toName="img-1" />
  <Image name="img-1" value="$img" />

In this article

  1. Parameters
  2. Example
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