NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The View element is used to configure the display of blocks, similar to the div tag in HTML.


Param Type Description
display block | inline
[style] string CSS style string
[className] string Class name of the CSS style to apply. Use with the Style tag
[idAttr] string Unique ID attribute to use in CSS
[visibleWhen] region-selected | choice-selected | no-region-selected | choice-unselected Control visibility of the content. Can also be used with the when* parameters below to narrow visibility
[whenTagName] string Use with visibleWhen. Narrow down visibility by tag name. For regions, use the name of the object tag, for choices, use the name of the choices tag
[whenLabelValue] string Use with visibleWhen="region-selected". Narrow down visibility by label value. Multiple values can be separated with commas
[whenChoiceValue] string Use with visibleWhen ("choice-selected" or "choice-unselected") and whenTagName, both are required. Narrow down visibility by choice value. Multiple values can be separated with commas


Create two cards that flex to take up 50% of the screen width on the labeling interface

<View style="display: flex;">
  <!-- Left side -->
  <View style="flex: 50%">
    <Header value="Facts:" />
    <Text name="text" value="$fact" />
  <!-- Right side -->
  <View style="flex: 50%; margin-left: 1em">
    <Header value="Enter your question:" />
    <TextArea name="question" />


  <Text name="text" value="$text"/>
  <Choices name="sentiment" toName="text">
    <Choice value="Positive"/>
    <Choice value="Negative"/>
    <Choice value="Neutral"/>
  <!-- Shown only when Positive or Negative is selected -->
  <View visibleWhen="choice-selected" whenTagName="sentiment"
    <Header value="Why?"/>
    <TextArea name="why_positive" toName="text"/>


  <Labels name="label" toName="text">
    <Label value="PER" background="red"/>
    <Label value="ORG" background="darkorange"/>
    <Label value="LOC" background="orange"/>
    <Label value="MISC" background="green"/>
  <Text name="text" value="$text"/>
  <!-- Shown only when region PER or ORG is selected -->
  <View visibleWhen="region-selected" whenLabelValue="PER,ORG">
    <Header value="yoho"/>
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