NEW TUTORIAL Evaluate Multi-Turn LLM Chatbot Responses 🤖

Signal Quality

Identify regions on a time series and rate and classify the quality of the signal.

Interactive Template Preview

Labeling Configuration

    <View visibleWhen="no-region-selected"
        <TimeSeriesLabels name="label" toName="ts">
            <Label value="Region" background="#5b5"/>
    <View visibleWhen="region-selected" style="height:120px">
        <Rating name="rating" toName="ts"
                maxRating="10" icon="star"
        <Choices name="choices" toName="ts"
                 showInline="true" required="true"
            <Choice value="Good"/>
            <Choice value="Medium"/>
            <Choice value="Poor"/>
    <TimeSeries name="ts" valueType="url" value="$csv"
                sep="," timeColumn="time">
        <Channel column="signal_1"
                 strokeColor="#17b" legend="Signal 1"/>
        <Channel column="signal_2"
                 strokeColor="#f70" legend="Signal 2"/>

About the labeling configuration

All labeling configurations must be wrapped in View tags.

Use the visibleWhen parameter with the View tag to create a section of the labeling configuration that is only visible when no region is selected:

<View visibleWhen="no-region-selected"

When that section of the labeling interface is visible, annotators can use the TimeSeriesLabels control tag to label specific regions on the time series data:

    <TimeSeriesLabels name="label" toName="ts">
        <Label value="Region" background="#5b5"/>

Use the visibleWhen parameter with a different View tag to create a section of the labeling interface that is visible only when a region is selected:

<View visibleWhen="region-selected" style="height:120px">

When that section of the labeling interface is visible, annotators can use the Rating control tag to select a 10 star rating for the selected region:

<Rating name="rating" toName="ts"
                maxRating="10" icon="star"

The perRegion="true" parameter means that this rating only applies to the selected region.

Still within that region-specific section of the labeling interface, annotators can use the Choices control tag to select a choice for the selected region:

    <Choices name="choices" toName="ts"
             showInline="true" required="true"
        <Choice value="Good"/>
        <Choice value="Medium"/>
        <Choice value="Poor"/>

Use the TimeSeries object tag and the Channel tag to display the TimeSeries data and channels to the annotators:

<TimeSeries name="ts" valueType="url" value="$csv"
            sep="," timeColumn="time">
    <Channel column="signal_1"
             strokeColor="#17b" legend="Signal 1"/>
    <Channel column="signal_2"
             strokeColor="#f70" legend="Signal 2"/>