Signal Quality Detection

Rate the quality of a defined signal in an audio clip, for example, when developing a machine learning model to isolate speech from a crowded bar, or to remove other noise from an audio clip.
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Labeling Configuration
<Rating name="rating" toName="audio" maxRating="10" icon="star" size="medium" />
<Audio name="audio" value="$audio"/>
About the labeling configuration
All labeling configurations must be wrapped in View
Use the Rating control tag to display a 10-star rating scale to annotators:
<Rating name="rating" toName="audio" maxRating="10" icon="star" size="medium" />
Because the Rating tag appears before the Audio tag, the rating scale appears before the audio clip on the labeling interface.
Use the Audio object tag to provide basic audio playback of the audio clip:
<Audio name="audio" value="$audio"/>